Francisco de Borja y Aragón, V Prince of Esquilache and XII Viceroy of Peru . He was born in Madrid in 1581. Son of donjuán de Borja y Castro and doña Francisca de Aragón y Barreto. He combined the exercise of his courtly responsibilities with a devotion to art and letters, both of which he had been fond of from a young age. He was related to families of lineage in Spain and Naples, and was a gentleman of the king's chamber, a knight of the order of Montesa and count of Mayalde. He was united in marriage, in 1602, with his cousin Doña Ana de Borja, natural daughter of Alfonso II. As a result of this union he assumed the title of Prince of Esquilache.
On July 19, 1614, while still a young man, he is appointed viceroy of Peru and president of the Audiencia de Lima by King Felipe III , making his solemn entrance into the city on December 18, 1615, with an impressive retinue. Although to carry out a position of such great responsibility he did not hold any other background than that of a palatine servant, the truth is that this grandson of San Francisco de Borgia carried out a government of the utmost discretion and tact; skillfully taking advantage of the advice of the jurist Leandro de Larrinaga y Salazar.
Faced with the threat of the Dutch pirate Spilbergen, he took care to improve the defense of the coasts and, not being a sailor by profession, he sought the advice of experts . He erected in Lima the College of the Prince, for the education of the sons of noble Indians (1620); and in the city of Cuzco the schools of San Borja for the children of the caciques and San Bernardo for the children of the colonizers (1619). In 1616 he ordered the establishment of the bishoprics of Trujillo, Buenos Aires and Concepción de Chile, continuing and encouraging the work of extirpation of idolatry, begun in the previous government of the Marquis of Montesclaros. He favored several exploration expeditions or "entries", such as that of Pedro de Paegui and Ramírez Carlos in Apolobamba -which was unsuccessful-, that of Diego Vaca de Vega to the lands of Maynas and the foundation of the city that, in his honor , was named after San Francisco de Borja (1619). In his time, the settlement of Huancavelica continued to be prosperous and the visit carried out by Juan de Solórzano, by order of Esquilache, who adopted some beneficial measures, reduced the number of Indians assigned to the mita; Likewise, he caused the adoption of a system of galleries that facilitated the extraction of metal and the circulation of air. He also supported a regulation of distributions.
During his government, the presentation of comedies and other theatrical performances in the viceregal palace was encouraged, and he liked to surround himself with poets and men of letters. However, in another area of his management, the slow pace of official proceedings, the demand for bribes to speed them up or the sale of positions were criticized. Without waiting for the arrival of his successor in command, he undertook his return trip to Spain on December 31, 1621. He died at the court of Madrid many years later, on October 26, 1658 . In the literary production of this character the following titles are counted:Works in verse (1630); The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ in triplets (1638); Naples recovered by King Alonso, heroic poem (1651); Prayers and meditations on the life of Our Lord Jesus Christ (1661).
The victory of the spiritual over the earthly:a basic motif in Ernst Barlachs work between realism and expressionism. In addition to sculptures made of wood and bronze, his work includes prints, drawings, plays and novels. Ernst Barlach was born on January 2, 1870 in Wedel near Hamburg as the son o