Historical Figures

Louis XVIII(1755 - 1824)

King of France, he was the youngest of Louis XVI, he reigned during two successive Restorations (1814- 1815, 1815-1824). He married Louise de Savoie with whom he had no children. He went into exile in 1791, and took the title of regent and Louis XVIII after the death of his nephew the Dauphin Louis XVII. He came to power after the abdication of Bonaparte but had to withdraw very quickly to Belgium under the protection of the Allies. He dissolves the Chamber after the reactions of the White Terror. He was smart enough to keep the legacy of the Revolution so as not to lose his dynasty forever. Ministers Richelieu and Decazes brought more liberalism to the regime. The assassination of the Duc de Berry subsequently imposed more reactionary measures. He involves France in the war of Spain to save the Bourbons who are on the throne since Louis XIV.

Napoleon I, Emperor Charles X

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