Elder son of Louis II le Bègue and Ansgarde, he shares the royalty with his brother Carloman. At the division of the paternal inheritance, he receives a small part of the western territories and Neustria. Hugh the Abbot had Louis III and Carloman II recognized as kings of the Western Franks. The Normans now have cavalry which they dispatch across the countryside and force the defenses of the towns. In 879 they are in Ghent, in 880 in Courtrai. Louis III wins the short-lived victory of Saucourt (881). At the end of 881, they devastated the palace of Charlemagne in Aix-la-Chapelle. After a reign of three years, Louis III died without an heir, leaving his brother Carloman II sole king.
Son of Clotaire III. After the assassination of Childéric II, the mayor of the palace of Neustria and Burgundy, Léger, puts Thierry III on the throne, while Ébroïn, installs Clovis III on the throne. Ébroïn invades Neustria, seizes Thierry III, no longer needing Clovis III, he installs Thierry III i