History quiz

Quilombo History Exercises - With Answers

Question 01 - UNESP 2009/2 - 1st day - This quilombo [Quariterê, in 1769, near Cuiabá], led by Queen Tereza, lived not only from their crops, but from the production of cotton that served to dress the blacks and, according to some authors, even to function as a product of exchange with the region. It also had two blacksmith's tents to transform the iron used against the blacks into working tools. Its destruction was celebrated as an act of heroism in Portugal. (...) (Jaime Pinsky, Slavery in Brazil) Regarding the quilombos, it can be said that a) did not represent a threat to the colonial order, insofar as they did not seek to question metropolitan power. b) its ephemeral duration reveals the small adhesion of slaves to attempts to violently challenge the slave regime. c) the violent fight against the quilombola organization was a priority, as it represents the negation of the slave social and productive structure. d) maintained a permanently hostile relationship with the neighboring population, constantly threatened by the kidnappings of white women. e) its internal organization prioritized military aspects, which ended up making it impossible to carry out other activities.
Question 02 - GROW - 2018 - City Hall of São Domingos do Azeitão - MA - History Teacher - The abolitionist movement (1870-1888) was a political and social movement that defended and fought for the end of slavery in Brazil. All the liberation movements that took place in Brazil proposed that: (A) Only the end of indigenous slavery in Brazil. (B) Slave refuges, known as quilombos, became increasingly common. (C) It did not propose the gradual emancipation of blacks in the country.
(D) Farmers remained indifferent to the abolitionist issue.
Question 03 - SEDUC - CE - 2016 - SEDUC-CE - Professor - History - Read the text below. With the capitulation of the Dutch in 1654, black Palmarinos continued to challenge colonial power. In the 1670s, two expeditions against Palmares did not claim victory:the one in 1675, led by Captain Manoel Lopes Galvão, and the one in 1677, commanded by Captain Fernão Carrilho, who thought he had defeated the blacks, when in fact he only put his hands on some Palmarinos, among them the relatives of the Ganga-Zumba chief. Palmares between blood and fire since 1602, Flavio José Gomes Cabral. Available at:http://www.revistadehistoria.com.br/secao/artigos/flavio-jose-gomes-cabral). Accessed on 11/04/2016. Analyze the propositions below. I. In the quilombos (generally located in places of difficult access), the slaves lived in freedom, produced their food, made clothes, furniture and work tools, and also cultivated African beliefs, traditions and customs. Adultery, theft and murder were punishable by death. II. The quilombos were scattered throughout the colonial territory, however, the lack of records prevents scholars from discovering more details about them. Even so, we still find remaining communities of former quilombos in the interior of Brazil. III. The most famous of all quilombos was called Palmares and was located in Alagoas. This quilombo had approximately 20 or 30 thousand inhabitants. Among its leaders, Zumbi stood out. IV. During the 17th century, several governments (Portuguese and Dutch) wanted to destroy the Palmares quilombo. There were several attempts, in 80 years of conflict, but Palmares bravely resisted and managed to defeat about 30 expeditions sent. The propositions are true: a) I and II. b) II and III. c) I, II and III. d) II, III and IV. e) I, II, III and IV.
Question 04 - UFPR 2018 - Read the text below:[...] The quilombo appeared wherever slavery appeared. It was not a simple topical manifestation. Often, it surprises by its organizational capacity, by the resistance it offers; partially destroyed dozens of times and appearing again, in other places, planting their gardens, building their houses, reorganizing their social life and establishing new defense systems. The quilombo was not, therefore, just a sporadic phenomenon. It was a normal fact within the slave society. It was an organized reaction to combat a form of work against which the very subject who supported it turned. (MOURA, Clóvis. Rebeliões da Senzala. Editora Conquista, Rio de Janeiro, 1972, p. 87.) Considering the history of quilombos in Brazil, consider the following statements: 1. It was a form of organization for freed slaves, who found no place in post-abolition Brazilian society. 2. The quilombo marked its presence throughout the slavery period, existing practically throughout the entire national territory. 3. Its social structure responded to a particularly military logic, which aimed to destabilize the social structure of slaveholders. 4. Quilombola constituted the basic unit of resistance, the result of the structural contradictions of the slave system, and its dynamics reflected the negation of this system. Check the correct alternative. a) Only statements 1 and 4 are true. b) Only statements 1 and 3 are true. c) Only statements 2 and 4 are true. d) Only statements 1, 2 and 3 are true. e) Only statements 2, 3 and 4 are true.
Question 05 - FUVEST 2013 - Transfer – To the remnants of the quilombo communities that are occupying their lands, definitive ownership is recognized, and the State must issue them the respective titles. Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil. Transitory Constitutional Provisions Act, Article 68. www.senado.gov.br. The quilombos, to which Art. 68 of the Constitution, began to emerge a) before the arrival of Portuguese colonists in America. b) during the Portuguese colonization of America. c) with the end of the slave trade to Brazil. d) after the abolition of slavery. e) with the struggle for indigenous rights and the demarcation of their first reservations.
Question 06 - FUVEST 1999 - 1st Phase - According to the most recent research, it can be said, in relation to Brazilian colonial quilombos, that they a) they were distinguished by isolation, by marginalization, without any connection with the surroundings that surrounded them; b) were predominantly agricultural, surviving on what they planted and what they wove; c) were inhabited exclusively by runaway slaves, constituting true theocratic States; d) some were dedicated to agriculture, others to mining, others still to grazing, linking up with neighboring centers through commerce; e) only existed during the 17th century, with Palmares as the central axis.
Question 07 - CEDAF – UFV 2015 - Slavery in Brazil lasted between the 16th and 19th centuries. During these long years, the violence of slavery was always fought by the so-called captives (one of the ways of referring to slaves at that time). Resistance took place through escapes, formation of quilombos, suicides, boycotts, sabotage; among other ways. In the second half of the 19th century, the fight against slavery had as political allies: a) anarchists. b) trade unionists. c) monarchists. d) abolitionists.
Question 08 - UFU 2011 - About the quilombos in colonial Brazil, it is correct to say that: a) Quilombos were formed in several regions of Brazil, with the coexistence between African and indigenous slave populations, with the main example of Quilombo dos Palmares, in the current state of Alagoas. b) the quilombolas depended on the permission of the lords of nearby properties to transit through the surrounding towns, as well as to market the products of their lands. c) all quilombos had their own army, in order to protect their lands against the advance of enemies, as well as a complex social organization. d) the largest quilombola populations in Brazil were formed in regions with the highest monoculture export production, such as the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná.
Question 09 - G1 - IFSP 2012 - Where there was slavery, there was resistance. And of various types. Even under the threat of the whip, the slave negotiated spaces of autonomy with the masters or slacked off at work, broke tools, set fire to plantations, attacked masters and overseers. He rebelled individually and collectively. Here the list is large and well-known. There was, however, a type of resistance that we could characterize as the most typical of slavery – escape. Adapted from:SCHIMDT, Mário. New Critical History. São Paulo:New Generation, 2005. p. 207. Check the correct alternative a) Black slaves did not think of fleeing the farms because they were well treated with good food and comfortable accommodation for rest. b) Africans brought to Brazil on slave ships peacefully accepted the situation of slaves, as this practice was common in their homeland. c) The Catholic Church, in the period of Colonial Brazil, catechized African slaves making them accept slavery as the will of God, thus avoiding rebellion. d) One of the forms of resistance carried out by slaves in Colonial Brazil were the Quilombos, formed by escaped slaves who organized themselves in villages and produced their food. e) In Brazil, the short period of slavery left no signs of resistance on the part of African and indigenous captives.

Question 10 - CESGRANRIO 2002 - In Brazil, the quilombo was one of the forms of resistance of the slave population. About quilombos in Brazil, it is correct to say that:
a) a greater number of quilombos were concentrated in the northeast region of Brazil, due to the decline of the coffee plantation, since the farmers, unable to support the slaves, encouraged them to flee.
b) the largest of the Brazilian quilombos, Palmares, was extinguished as a result of an agreement between Zumbi and the governor of Pernambuco, who promised not to punish slaves who wished to return to the farms.
c) the existence of few quilombos in the northern region can be explained by the differentiated administration, since, in the states of Grão-Pará and Maranhão, the Portuguese Crown had prohibited black slavery.
d) the almost inexistence of quilombos in the south of Brazil is related to the small percentage of blacks in the region, which also allowed that there were no issues related to racial segregation.
e) the population of the quilombos was also formed by indigenous people threatened by Europeans, poor whites and other adventurers and deserters, although Africans and their descendants predominated.

Question 11 - UNESP 1999 - Black slavery in the Brazilian colonial period is related to
a) elimination of indigenous slavery.
b) constitution of quilombos as a form of resistance.
c) Dutch invasion in the Northeast.
d) absence of conflicts in the emancipatory process.
e) expansion of subsistence agriculture.

Question 12 - UFPA 2016 - In the Brazilian slave regime, it is important to observe that the enslaved subjects maintained ties of solidarity, religious associations and sociability networks, therefore they were agents of their history. To the rigor of the violent daily life imposed on them by slaveholders, these subjects, as a form of reaction, practiced
a) mass escapes, which caused serious damage to coffee plantation owners, who relied on the surveillance of foremen and the complicity of slave smugglers for their partial control.
b) insurrections, individual and collective escapes, murder of overseers and lords, which favored the formation of quilombos or mocambos, especially after the emergence of the quilombo of Palmares.
c) theft of farm products that ended up being sold in the city by slaves who lived “on themselves”; the proceeds from the sales reverted to the brotherhoods of black men and holy houses of mercy.
d) escapes to the forests located in swampy areas, as a way to make it difficult for the captain of the forest to capture them; in addition, blacks relied on the help of catechized Indians in the formation of quilombos.
e) smuggling of coffee to slave ships coming from Africa, using the proceeds from the sale to buy manumissions and the acquisition of armaments for the defense of the quilombos.

Question 13 - Instituto Machado de Assis 2016 - Municipality of Matias Olímpio - PI -
Blacks never passively accepted slavery. There were many forms of collective and individual revolt. From a historical point of view, the quilombos were the resistance strategy that best represented the struggle against the slave order. Aoorganizarem suas fugas, os negrosformaram comunidades no interior dasmatas conhecidas como quilombos. Sobrefenômeno de constituição dos quilombos noBrasil, pode-se afirmar que:
(A) Os quilombos mantinham hábitos dasociedade afro-brasileira adquiridos nassenzalas
(B) Caracterizou-se pela formação decomunidades isolacionistas que, aopretender recriar a África no Brasil,acabaram criando uma sociedade dealternativa à sociedade escravocrata.
(C) É uma decorrência necessária das fugas,individuais ou coletivas, já que eraimpossível ao escravo fugido integrar-se àmassa de negros livres, principalmente noscentros urbanos.
(D) Os quilombos eram compostos única eexclusivamente por escravos africanos edescendentes de africanos, já que asrelações entre indígenas e africanos erammarcadas pelos frequentes enfrentamentos.
INTRODUCTION 01 - C02 - B03 - E04 - C05 - B06 - D07 - D08 - A09 - D10 - E
11 - B
12 - B
13 - A