History quiz

History Exercises on the Monroe Doctrine - With Answers

Question 01 - FAMEMA 2022 - On December 2, 1823, James Monroe, President of the United States, in his annual message to Congress announced what would come to be known as the “Monroe Doctrine”:of the United States, that the American continents, by virtue of the free and independent condition they have acquired and maintain, can no longer be considered, in the future, as susceptible to colonization by any European power. Based on the excerpt, analyze the following statements about the Monroe Doctrine and the relations between the United States (USA) and Latin America in the first half of the 19th century. ( ) It is a defensive doctrine developed in the context of affirming the independence of most of the Iberian ex-colonies in America, which was associated with the slogan “America for the Americans”. ( ) It is a speech against British predominance in the region and legitimizing the interventionist interests of US imperialism, which wanted to become a hegemonic power in the region using the “Big Club Policy”. ( ) It is a relationship strategy with Latin America based on economic collaboration, in order to form foreign markets for the products and investments of the nascent North American industry and became known as the “Good Neighbor Policy”. The statements are, in the order presented, respectively, (A) V – V – F (B) V – F – V (C) F – V – F (D) V – F – F (E) F – F – V
Question 02 - UECE 2013/2 - In 1823, the United States government approved the Monroe Doctrine. Consider the following items regarding the central objectives of this doctrine:I. Prevent European intervention in the Americas (North, South and Central). II. Ensuring US supremacy in South and Central America. III. To reinforce North American isolationism from the rest of the continent, in the certainty of its supremacy. Items a) I, II and III correspond to the central objectives of the Monroe doctrine. b) I and II only. c) II and III only. d) I and III only.
Question 03 - UVA 2008/2 - Based on the so-called Monroe Doctrine, in 1898, the United States declared war on Spain, supporting the independence of Cuba. Considering the international position of the United States in the context, one of Washington's essential objectives in this military operation was:A) to combat the monopolistic control exercised by Spain over trade in the Caribbean and Central America region. do Sul, which intended to monopolize the commercialization of Cuban sugar and its derivatives. C) ensure strategic control of the Caribbean region, a relevant region to be ensured for the construction of North American geopolitics. D) implant a military base in Cuba, as a way of to support the forces of the war against Mexico, for the possession of New Mexico.
Question 04 - UniCesumar 2017 - The search for new markets caused by economic growth led the United States to implement an expansionist policy, through which the country sought to extend its influence to other regions of the world. In this context, the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 a) proposed a policy that gave the United States the right to intervene in Europe whenever a European country was threatened. b) allowed the United States to build, with the efforts of Africans and indigenous people, an infrastructure on the continent, favoring economic growth. c) contrasted two existing projects in the United States, since the independence movement, expressed in Pan-Americanism and in the policy of colonial expansion. d) meant a pragmatic measure by the North Americans, soon after independence, seeking to overcome the diplomatic isolation with the countries of the continent. e) was used as a justification for the intervention of the United States in internal problems of the countries of the continent and for the annexation of new territories.
Question 05 - EspCEx 2003 - During the process of independence of Latin American countries, England sided with Latin American countries against their metropolises, seeking to transform them into markets that supply raw materials and consumers of industrialized products. The United States, in turn, aiming to extend its political and economic influence and reduce that of the European powers over all of America, launched, in 1823, a doctrine whose motto was “America for the Americans”. This reaction by the United States became known as a) Washington Doctrine. b) Marshall Plan. c) Monroe Doctrine. d) Jefferson Plan. e) Grant Doctrine.
FEEDBACK 01 - D02 - B03 - C04 - E05 - C