History quiz

World War I History Exercises - With Answers

Question 01 - Army - 2013 - EspCEx - Army Cadet - Read the two texts below:
“In 1873, Bismarck established the League of Three Emperors, which included Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia. However, the differences between Russia and Austria regarding the Balkan region, caused by the fact that Russia supported the Slavic minorities of the region, desirous of independence, ended this alliance in 1878. In 1882, the Second Reich joins the Austro Empire -Hungarian and Italy.”
(VICENTINO, 2007, modified)TEXT II “Only in the last decade of the 19th century, France began to emerge from its international isolation, managing to establish a military pact with Russia in 1894. At the beginning of the 20th century, England also approached France, forming an Alliance that merged the common interests of the two countries at the international level. In 1907, Russia allied with France and England.”
(VICENTINO, 2007) , modified) Both texts describe the formation of blocs, preceding the First World War. Texts I and II narrate, respectively, the formation of the[A] Entente Cordiale and the Triple Entente.
[B] Triple Alliance and of the Triple Entente.
[C] Triple Entente and the Entente Cordiale.
[D] Entente Cordiale and the Triple Alliance.
[E] Triple Alliance and the Entente Cordiale.

Question 02 - UNIFOR - 2001.1 - "If Germany were extinct tomorrow, there wouldn't be a single Englishman in the world who wasn't richer than he is today. Nations have fought for years for a city or a right of succession; and you shouldn't fight for a trade of 250 million sterling. ?(...) England finally woke up to what is inevitable and at the same time constituted her most grateful hope for prosperity. Germanianesse delendam."
(Saturday Review of London - In Leonel Itaussu A. Mello and Luís C. A.Costa Modern and Contemporary History São Paulo:Scipione,1999) The text indicates one of the aspects of the historical context that contributed to the (A) German Unification.
(B) World War I.
(C) ) Second World War.
(D) Second Industrial Revolution.
(E) Consolidation of Nazifascism.

Question 03 - UVA 2006.2 - The First World War can be considered a factor of acceleration of the Brazilian economic process because:
A. developed in Brazil a war industry to supply the allies.
B. hampered the amounts, giving rise to the "replacement industry."
C. increased trade relations with the axis countries.
D. provoked the agricultural development of the Northeast to supply the allies.

Question 04 - UNEC 2015 - [...] The First World War was undoubtedly the product of the combination of economic competition, national chauvinism, imperialist rivalries and the expansionist dreams of powerful nations [...] one of the great nations of the time, to remake European economic-political spaces in accordance with their respective national and imperialist ambitions [...]
RODRIGUES, Luiz César B. The First World War. 3. Ed. São Paulo:Current; Unicamp, 1986.p.30. The immediate cause of the First World War was:a) The border clash between France and Germany.
b) The construction of the Berlin-Baghdad railway.
c) The invasion of Serbia by Austria.
d) The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

Question 05 - UTFPR 2007 - Summer - “While they organized themselves into rival blocs, the main European powers launched an unbridled arms race:they adopted compulsory military service, created new weapons and began to produce weapons and ammunition in ever greater quantities. It was the “armed peace”. One incident was missing for the war to begin. The trigger took place on Sunday, June 28, 1914, in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. On that day, the heir to the Austrian throne Franz Ferdinand and his wife were shot to death by a Bosnian student. On July 28, 1914, Austria declared war on Serbia.”
(Taken from the website:http://www.brasilescola.com/historiag/aliancas.htm. Accessed on 07/26/2006). text above refers to:A) Boer War.
B) First World War.
C) Cold War.
D) Second World War.
E) War of Reconquest.

Question 06 - PUCRS 2000.2 - Among the triggering factors of the First World War, one cannot cite
A) the collapse of Bismarck's diplomacy, based on international agreements aimed at maintaining the European balance, and its replacement by a policy of world power, adopted by Wilhelmina Germany .
B) industrial, commercial and naval competition between Germany, a country then new to the neo-colonialist race, and England, then the world's greatest economic power.
C) the desire of the Austro-Hungarian dual monarchy to bring together the Balkan Peninsula Slavs in a triadic monarchy, aiming at the stability of an area threatened by Russian expansionism and Serbian nationalism.
D) the antagonistic and potentially conflicting alliance systems:on the one hand, the Triple Entente and, on the other, the Empires Central.
E) the destabilization of the European status quo caused by the United States and France, aiming to arouse the nationalist feelings of the countless nationalities subjected to the yoke of old empires.

Question 07 - UFPR 2012 - Based on studies on the consequences of the First World War for Europe, it is correct to say:a) Although much of the European territory was devastated by the War, the geopolitical map of the continent remained the same, demonstrating the strength of the monarchies national. b) The First World War brought to an end the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires, which split into several independent countries and adopted Soviet socialism, as agreed in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsky. c) This War marked the end of the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires, the implantation of the liberal-democratic model in several European countries, the affirmation of the principle of self-determination of peoples on ethnic and cultural bases and the great penalization of Germany by the Treaty of Versailles . d) Germany and Italy were the big losers in this war, losing part of their territories, which declared themselves independent by the principle of self-determination of President Woodrow Wilson. e) In addition to the end of the Ottoman Empire, this war brought the end of the colonial empires of France and Germany, not to mention the end of the newly implanted Soviet socialism, due to the Treaty of Versailles.

Question 08 - UFRGS 2015 - Regarding the First World War (1914-1918), consider the statements below.
I - It was characterized by the so-called “trench warfare”, which resulted in a level of mortality unprecedented in European history, as demonstrated in Battle of the Somme, which took place in France.
II - It used the so-called “chemical warfare”, with the use of lethal substances such as mustard gas and phosgene, widely used by both the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente.
III- It was characterized as the first conflict in which military aviation and air warfare played a fundamental role.
Which are correct?
(A) Only I.
(B) ) Only I and II.
(C) Only I and III.
(D) Only II and III.
(E) I, II and III.

Question 09 - IFS 2014.1 - Graduation - About the consequences of the First World War, it is not correct to say:
a) It brought broad consequences to Europe, determining its decline on the world stage;
b) England lost its hegemony on the world stage;
c) In political terms, the disbelief in relation to the neoliberal model influenced the emergence of regimes and parties with an authoritarian tendency;
d) The war stimulated the development of science and was responsible for great technological advances;
br />e) It is possible to say that there was no economic and social influence in Brazil during the war. In the areas mentioned, Brazil had great balance.

Question 10 - IFS 2014.1 - Graduation - The consequences of the First World War were very diverse for international society. It is true to say about these consequences, except:
a) The United States was the biggest beneficiary:between 1914 and the mid-1920s, the country was the world's largest exporter of weapons, military equipment, medicine, food, etc.;
b) In the late 1920s, the United States was in full economic euphoria. Agriculture, considered to be the most mechanized in the world, flooded the domestic and foreign markets with food, and industries were running at full speed;
c) The search for an economic policy that mitigated the effects caused by the Great Depression of 1929 led many countries to adopt different programs of action, enabling a great expansion of the liberal model across the globe;
d) The New Deal was an economic recovery program proposed by the government of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt;
e) With the end of the war, followed by the New York Stock Exchange crash, more radical nationalist groups, especially the extreme right, began to use the economic crisis as a justification to criticize the liberal-capitalist system, blamed for the crisis.

Question 11 - VUNESP - 2011 - PM-SP - Soldier of the Military Police -
Among the consequences of the First World War (1914-1918), stands out
(A) the beginning of European domination on the African continent.
(B) the emergence of China as a world economic power.
(C) the emergence of new countries in Europe.
(D) the bipolarization of the world between the liberal and the communist bloc.
(E) the peak of the process of globalization of the economy.

FUVEST 2018/19 - Transfer - 1st Phase - TEXT FOR QUESTIONS 12 AND 13
With the guns of the First World War silenced, the world would become aware of the sinister accounting of the four tragic years it had lived:9 million dead and 40 million disabled. In addition to the lives taken, the mutilated bodies and the territorial changes legally instituted by the Treaties imposed on the defeated nations, the terrible conflagration caused countless transformations in the way of life of most of humanity.
Luiz Cesar B. Rodrigues. The First World War. São Paulo:Atual, 1986, p. 64.Question 12 - Among the various reasons that contributed to the occurrence of the First World War, it is correct to mention (A) the annexations of French territories by Germany and the North American influence on Latin America.
(B) the conflicts between Russia and Western European countries for the control of colonies in North Africa and the Near East.
(C) the naval and commercial disputes between Germany and England and the efforts of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to expand its influence in Eastern Europe.
(D) the confrontation between the imperialist actions of Japan and China in Asia and in the islands of the Pacific Ocean.
(E) the rise of nationalism in Central and Western Europe, causing the so-called Spring of the Peoples

Question 13 - The end of the First World War and the peace treaties mentioned in the text
(A) were based on the principle of a peace without winners and promoted the creation of international diplomatic mediation bodies.
(B) contributed to the dissolution of the great empires of Central and Eastern Europe and generated brief democratic governments in the region, soon replaced by authoritarian regimes.
(C) they represented the defeat of German expansionism and caused the emergence of a broad military bloc, which brought together the countries of the West and the Center of Europe.
(D) they reduced the Franco-British influence on the European continent and ensured the consolidation of the socialist regime in the Soviet Union, later followed by the shift to the left of Eastern Europe.
(E) they stimulated the industrialization of Germany and Austria, accelerating the economic expansion of the central region of the European continent.

Question 14 - UERJ 2019.2 - Treaty of Versailles (1919)
PART VIISanctions
Article 227
The Allied or Associated Powers publicly accuse William II of Hohenzollern, former Emperor of Germany, of a supreme offense against international morals and the authorities pleases the Treaties.

Article 231
The Allied and Associated Governments declare and Germany acknowledges that she and her allies are responsible for having caused all the losses and all the damage suffered by the Allied and Associated Governments and their citizens, as a consequence of the war that was imposed by the aggression of Germany and its allies.

The Treaty of Versailles was drawn up in the context of the negotiations of peace after the end of the First World War (1914-1918). From the text, it is observed that the treaty established clauses for the German government based on the following principle:
(A) warmongering
(B) ) revanchism
(C) integrationism
(D) collaborationism

Question 15 -UFPR LITORAL 2012 - At the same time that tensions developed between nations in this turn-of-the-century world, fundamental conflicts were surfacing in almost every area of ​​human activity and behavior:in the arts, in fashion, in sexual mores, in the relations between generations in politics. (EKSTEINS, Modris. The Rite of Spring. Rio de Janeiro:Rocco, 1991, p. 14.) Based on the text and on the knowledge about Contemporary History, mark the alternative that indicates the historical event considered a shock in European hegemony and which ended up elevating the United States of America to the status of the first world power.
a) The American Civil War.
b) The Paris Commune.
c) The First World War .
d) The Russian Revolution.
e) The Second World War.

01 - B
02 - B
03 - B
04 - D
05 - B
06 - E
07 - C
08 - E
09 - E
10 - C
11 - C
12 - C
13 - B
14 - B
15 - C