History quiz

Exercises on the Medici Government - with feedback

Question 01 - VUNESP - 2014 - PM-SP - The economy is doing well, but the people are doing poorly.
(Visão Magazine, page 47, 1974) The phrase uttered, according to sources at the time, by then president Emílio Garrastazu Médici, referred to (A) the coming of North American multinationals to the country, increasing the supply of jobs, whose vacancies were not filled by the shortage of workers with qualifications to occupy the positions offered. (B) to the economic recovery of the country, which allowed the construction of works such as the Trans-Amazonian Highway, which, however, compromised the health of workers due to working conditions in the forest. (C) to the country's economic growth, which is quite significant due to the called the “Brazilian miracle”, and the accentuation of social inequality due to the brutal concentration of income. (D) the attempt to control inflation through the implementation of a new monetary standard, the Cruzeiro, an objective not achieved because the new currency generates an increase in consumption by the population. (E) to the efforts of the military government to seek autonomy industrial and technological of the country, in opposition to the desires of the majority of the population, favorable to the entrance of foreign capital.
Question 02 - UFU 2001 -2 - History - Read the slogans carefully. “Forward Brazil” “Nobody holds this country back” “Until 1964 Brazil was the country of the future:now the future arrived" “Brazil, love it or leave it”. The alternatives below propose a reading of these slogans, relating them to the political, economic and social issues of the period of the Medici government's military dictatorship. I) The policy of nationalizing the economy increased the pace of industrialization and generation of jobs, raising the wages of urban and rural workers and, therefore, justifying the notion that Brazil was moving “forward”. II) While the official speech took advantage of sporting achievements, such as the third world championship football, to create a climate of euphoria and pride, on the basis of “nobody can hold this country”, repression pursued and censorship silenced the forces opposing the military government. III) The feeling shared by the Brazilian population that “the future has arrived ” was supported by the so-called “economic miracle”, which produced a more equitable income distribution, creating the conditions for the expansion of consumption of durable goods, household appliances, access to education and the acquisition of a home. IV) The slogan “Brazil, love it or leave it ”, deeply intolerant, expressed the idea conveyed by the official discourse that opposing the government, by any means, was an act contrary to the legitimate interests of the Brazilian nation, which sought peace, harmony and social order, ensured by governments military. Check the correct alternative. A) II and III are correct. B) I and II are correct. C) III and IV are correct. D) II and IV are correct.
Question 03 - UFF/1997 - 1st Stage - "Brazil, love it or leave it" was one of the famous slogans of the military regime, around 1970, when the Medici Government promoted the image of "Great Brazil" and proclaimed the "Economic Miracle" that would make the country a great power. Mark the option that correctly characterizes the economic policy corresponding to the so-called "Miracle".(A) Merger of industrial and banking capital, generating monopolies capable of imposing inflationary prices, which resulted in economic growth and an increase in the consumer market in large centers (B) Development of infrastructure works, such as hydroelectric plants and highways, based on national savings and investment from public banks. (C) Economic growth and heating of the durable goods market anchored in redistributive wage policies and in the indexation of financial market returns. (D) High investments in the capital goods sector and in the automobile industry combined with vigorous medium-sized commercial agriculture. (E) Encouraging massive inflows of foreign capital combined with a wage squeeze, resulting in high rates of economic growth and low inflation.
Question 04 - Mackenzie 2001 - Phrases such as “Nobody holds this country”, “Brazil love it or leave it” and “Prá Frente Brasil” marked a post-64 military cycle government that, using censorship and an efficient propaganda machine, presented the country as an island of peace and prosperity on the way to becoming a great power, hiding the repression and inequalities of the economic model. This is the government of:a) Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco.b) João Batista Figueiredo.c) Artur da Costa e Silva.d) Ernesto Geisel.e) Emílio Garrastazu Médici.
Question 05 - FCC - 2010 - Civil House-SP - Consider the charge and the text. (Ziraldo. In:Edgard Luiz de Barros. The military governments. São Paulo:Contexto, 1992 p. 70 )
In the Medici government, social misery strangled millions of people, pushed to the outskirts of large cities. The analysis of the cartoon and the historical knowledge allow us to infer that in the government to which the text refers(A) the ideals of a policy of income distribution through propaganda, created by the military regime, of the victory of the Brazilian selection of soccer in the 1970 World Cup.(B) the aim was to demystify the victory of the Brazilian soccer team in the 1970 World Cup, with the exposure of the population's misery, resulting from the economic policy of the military regime.(C) the illusion created for the victory of the Brazilian soccer team in the 1970 World Cup, used as a powerful instrument of political propaganda by the military regime. (D) the victory of the Brazilian soccer team in the 1970 World Cup was publicized, as a strategy of the military regime to instill cultural habits of the elite and reduce poverty. (E) the victory of the Brazilian soccer team in the 1970 World Cup to the military regime's concern to create social policies to reduce social inequalities.
Question 06 - UEMA - PAES 2010 - The poster below was used to commemorate the Semana da Pátria in 1971, at the time of the government of Emílio Garrastazu Médici (1969-1974). About this government, it is correct to say that there was a) growth in wages and a climate of economic euphoria, at the same time as major works were carried out, such as the Transamazonica and the construction of the Itaipu hydroelectric plant, with repression of the armed struggle (“order and progress”). b) economic growth combined with a fairer income distribution and an in life expectancy in the national territory, which, for many, compensated for the lack of political freedom, hence the slogan “nobody holds this country”. c) growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), import of machines and modernization of production, which was the expression of a better division of income between rich and poor in the country, generating optimism (“nobody holds back this country”). d) growth in production, increase in external indebtedness and flattening of wages , so that the slogan “nobody holds this country” was used as propaganda by the military regime without having provided the expected economic stability. e) growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), but increase in external indebtedness, which became known as the “Economic Miracle”; the worker's income grew and so the strikes decreased, hence the slogan “nobody holds this country”.
Question 07 - UNIFOR - 2006.2 - Analyze the passage of poetry and the text that follows. “(...) What is in my heart? He's in Mexico, he flew right, without consulting me(... ) (...) I am Jalisco's stadium, crushed of soccer shoes, the suffering grass the speckled and capricious ball. Assistir? I do not watch. I'm playing.(...) Suddenly Brazil was united Content to exist, exchanging death Hate, poverty, illness, sad delay For a pure moment of greatness And affirmation in sport (...)” (Carlos Drummond de Andrade. World Cup 70. Poetry and Prose. Rio de Janeiro:Nova Aguilar, 1979. p. 694-1)
I feel happy every night when I turn on the television to watch the newspaper. While the news reports of strikes, unrest, attacks and conflicts in various parts of the world, Brazil marches in peace, towards development. It's like taking a tranquilizer after a day's work. (President Emílio Garrastazu Médici, 03/22/73 – Our century . S. Paulo:Abril Cultural, 1986. v.10, p. 50)
The texts refer to a period of republican history in Brazil, characterized as: (A) Populist regime, markedly nationalist and reformist, with programs of common interest to workers and the bourgeoisie. (B) Fascist State, whose principles were nationalism, militarism, unipartisanship, with programs to encourage sports for the full conquest of citizenship. (C) Military Regime, characterized by the strengthening of the Executive Power to the detriment of the Legislature, curtailment of press freedom and repression of the opposition. (D) Military Republic, established to fight anarchy, in defense democracy, multipartyism and economic development. (E) Oligarchic regime, dominated by large landowners concerned with ensuring stability to the country and guarantee the payment of the Brazilian external debt.
Question 08 - PUC-SP 2012 - "The 70's, which began in 1969, were terrible. Everyone seemed to support the dictatorship. Brazilians started the decade cheering for Brazil in the World Cup, '90 million in action', united around the excellent team, which took the The victory gave great prestige to Emílio Garrastazu Médici, the military on duty in the government. The economic plan, dubbed the 'Brazilian miracle', in addition to enriching the bourgeoisie even more, propitiated the expansion of the middle class and ., raised standards consumption of many families:home appliances, a carr9, the second car, home financing by the National Housing Bank, the BNH. But, mainly, the beginning of the 70s marks the beginning of the television era in Brazil." Maria Rita Kehl. 'The two decades of the 70s", in The 70s:trajectories. São Paulo:Iluminuras, 2006, p. 32. Adapted. The text takes stock of the 1970s in Brazil and highlights, among other aspects, the a) increase in famine, advance of populism and explosion in consumption of essential goods. b) emergence of the automobile industry, the electoral victory of the military and the strong repression of institutional opposition. c) increase in the practice of sports, the militarization of daily life and the military decline. d) emergence of the dream of owning a home, overcoming hyperinflation and the full democratization of the country. e) increase in social inequalities, the advance of mass culture and political authoritarianism.

Question 09 - CFTMG 2005 - On October 30, 1969, General Medici begins the government that will represent the most absolute period of repression, violence and suppression of civil liberties in our republican history. About this period of history, it is correct to say that the
a) the Medici government implemented multipartyism in the country to compensate for acts of repression and violence, despite its authoritarian character.
b) the Medici government imposed Institutional Act No. promote direct elections for governors of Brazilian states, through a broad popular mobilization.
c) ARENA, the political party that represented the military regime, suffered drastic electoral defeat in the early 1970s, due to the low economic growth of the period.
d) National Security Doctrine, elaborated by the military, with the motto "security and development", prevented the growth of the left opposition to the regime implemented in 1964.

Question 10 - ENEM 2014 - 3rd Application -

In the cartoon, Ziraldo mocks a motto adopted by the Medici government (1969- 1974), denouncing that In the cartoon, Ziraldo makes fun of a motto adopted by the Medici government (1969-1974), denouncing that
A) the exiles were expelled because they had no love for their country.
B) the path for opposition movements was the country's flight.
C) love for the country was a feeling despised by the military regime.
D) government propaganda concealed the regime's authoritarian posture.
E) the passivity of the Brazilian people was harmful to the development of the nation.

Question 11 - VUNESP - 2014 - MPE-SP - The economic development and growth arising from the stabilization of the economy contributed to governmental stability. The Medici government went down in history as the period in which the highest rates of development and economic growth in the country were recorded. However, this phase of prosperity of the Brazilian economy had many more external (international) causes than internal ones. The social and economic cost for the country was very high. The brutal concentration of income prevented the lower classes from improving their living conditions. Social inequalities and poverty increased in this period.
(Renato Cancian, http://educacao.uol.com.br/disciplinas/historia-brasil/governo-medici-1969-1974. Accessed on 24.03.2014. Adapted ) The events described in the text became known by the name of (A) national security doctrine.
(B) Brazilian economic miracle.
(C) salvation policy.
(D) basic reforms .
(E) goal plan.

The Medici government did not limit itself to repression. He clearly distinguished between a significant but minority sector of society, opponents of the regime, and the mass of the population that lived day to day with some hope in these years of economic prosperity. Repression ended the first sector, while propaganda took care of, at least, gradually neutralizing the second. To reach this last objective, the government relied on the great advance of telecommunications in the country, after 1964. The personal credit facilities allowed the expansion of the number of residences that had television:in 1960, only 9.5% of urban residences had television; in 1970, the percentage reached 40%. At that time, benefiting from the support of the government, for which they became the spokesperson, TV Globo expanded to become a national network and practically control the sector. Government propaganda now had a channel of expression like never before in the country's history. The promotion of the “Great Power Brazil” was carried out by the Special Public Relations Office (AERP), created in the Costa e Silva government, but which did not have any importance in that government. It was the time of the “Nobody holds back this country”, by the marchinha Prá Frente, Brazil, which rocked the great Brazilian victory in the 1970 World Cup.
Boris Fausto, História do Brasil. Adapted
The strategy of domination employed by the Medici government, as described in the text, resembles, above all, the following recommendation made to the prince or ruler by a famous political thinker:
a) “The prince to make himself feared, so that, if he does not make himself loved, at least avoid hatred, for it is easy to be both feared and not hated.”
b) “The evil that one has to do, must the prince do it at once; good, you must do it little by little (...)”.
c) “We cannot leave the task of solving all things to time, because time carries everything forward and can transform good into evil and evil for good.”
d) “Anyone who believes that new benefits can make great characters forget the old injuries (...)” is wrong.
e) “The prince, above all, must not touch someone else's property, because men forget the death of their father more quickly than the loss of property.”

Question 13 - UPENET - 2009 - PM-PE - Institutional Act Number 5 (AI-5), one of the most terrible normative instruments launched by the Military Regime, was extinguished in the government of
A) João Batista de Figueiredo.
B) Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco.
C) Emílio Garrastazu Médici.
D) Ernesto Geisel.
E) José Sarney

Question 14 - Ufrgs 1996 - Consider the following text:"More than a repressive Republic, a police state was created. The suspects went through interrogation, torture, loss of jobs. Fear and the invitation to inform the population were disseminated. , generating panic. This can be seen in the 'Safety Decalogue' that the DOPS distributed in the entrances of buildings, factories, schools, offices, etc.""If you are invited or probed for conversations about matters that seem strange or suspicious to you, that he agrees and cultivates relations with the person who probed him and informs the Police or the nearest barracks. The authorities give him every guarantee, including anonymity".
(Júlio Chiavenato, "O Coup de 64").
The previous text refers to the period in which the General-President was
a) Costa e Silva.
b) Emílio Medici.
c) Castelo Branco.
d) Ernesto Geisel.
e) João Figueiredo.

Question 15 - CFO PMMG 2007 - Watch the music and the boastful phrases.
“90 million in action
Forward Brazil, from my heart.
Let's go together, let's go,
Prá Frente Brasil
Save your selection.
Suddenly it's that current forward
It seems that all of Brazil has joined hands.
All connected in the same emotion.
All is one heart.”“
The period of Brazilian history portrayed by the music and the phrases above is o:
A) of the Castelo Branco government when the military edited Institutional Act Number 5 suppressing political freedom in our country.
B) of the Jânio Quadros government when the military supported by left-wing political forces promoted the coup of 64.
C) of the Medici government when there was a violent repression of the armed groups that opposed to the government.
D) of the Figueiredo government when the process of opening up the policy “slow , gradual and safe.”
Question 16 - UESPI 2011 - The post-64 military governments managed to impose an active system that inhibited rebellions against excesses of violence. At the time of General Medici, there were:A) important democratic struggles, with the end of censorship and the opening of the National Congress. B) the accentuated exploitation by official advertisements of social events, such as Brazil's victory in the soccer World Cup, in 1970. C) the end of censorship of newspapers, but the extinction of socialist parties still active. D) the reformulation of the Constitution, guaranteeing authoritarianism and the prevalence of military governments. E) the beginning of the formation of groups linked to the fight against the dictatorship, with large marches in cities in the Southeast.
INTRODUCTION 01 - C02 - D03 - E04 - E05 - C06 - D07 - C08 - E
09 - D
10 - D
11 - B
12 - B
13 - C
14 - B
15 - C16 - B