Question 02 - UFRS 2001 - The government of General João Baptista Figueiredo (1979-1985), the last president appointed by the military regime, was marked by events of wide repercussion in Brazilian public opinion. Among them, the following can be included:a) Institutional Act n° 5 - April Package - Cruzado Plan b) Extinction of bipartisanship - Amnesty Law - Death of Vladimir Herzog c) Amnesty Law - Riocentro Attack - Direct Campaign d) Responsible Pragmatism - Closing of Congress - Diretas Já Campaign e) Installation of Parliamentarism - Riocentro Attack - Plano Cruzado
Question 06 - CIEE - 2014 - AGU - It is one of the movements with the greatest popular participation in the history of Brazil. It began in 1983, during the government of João Batista Figueiredo and proposed direct elections for the position of President of the Republic. Choose the alternative that presents this movement. a) Walk of the Hundred Thousand. b) MST. c) Free Pass. d) Direct Now.
Question 07 - VUNESP - 2018 - PM-SP - “The Electoral College, now regularly constituted, holds undeniable political power to fulfill its mandate. The campaign to suppress it constitutes an audacious political attempt to circumvent power legitimately acquired under the current Constitution. Defending the Electoral College against this untimely onslaught is a duty that is mine, that of the government, that is of all parliamentarians who support it. It is necessary to contain the offensive unleashed against the rules of the game accepted for the election of my successor”. President João Figueiredo, in a speech to the nation, on April 16, 1984. (Rodrigues, A. T The cry stuck in the throat.São Paulo:Fundação Perseu Abramo Publisher, 2003. Adapted)
In his speech, Figueiredo criticizes ( A) the Diretas Já movement. (B) the foundation of parties such as PT and PDT. (C) the presidential candidacy of Tancredo Neves. (D) the amnesty struggle committees. (E) the organization of the fight against famine.
Question 08 - UNIFOR - 2000.2 - The attack on Riocentro on April 30, 1981, in which a car bomb exploded, killed a sergeant and seriously injured an army captain, resulted from the reaction
Question 10 - Cefet MG 2014 - The long term of President João Batista Figueiredo (1979-85) was marked by economic difficulties and the exhaustion of the regime established in 1964. However, the political opening did not stop advancing, despite facing occasional manifestations of hostile radical segments. These are remarkable episodes in this context in Brazil, EXCEPT the (a) birth of a new party organization, which resulted in the emergence of new political parties. b) the advent of political amnesty, which led to the trial of military officers involved in repressive acts. c) political impact of the bombings in Riocentro, which revealed a growing division within the armed forces. d) emergence of direct elections for governors, which led to expressive opposition politicians to state power.
Question 12 - ESPM 2014 - In authoritarian Brazil, evident signs of crisis. General Figueiredo's presidential term was coming to an end and there were fears that once again the president would be chosen by an electoral college, which should, as always, endorse the name indicated by those in power. To change this perspective, the opposition presented a constitutional amendment that intended to introduce direct elections. The Dante de Oliveira amendment, named after the PMDB deputy, from Mato Grosso, who presented it, was voted on under great popular expectations, after widespread popular mobilization in the DIRETAS – JÁ campaign. The decision of the National Congress, when voting (04/25/1984) in the Chamber of Deputies was:a) rejection, as the amendment required 2/3 of the members of Congress and 22 votes were missing to reach such a mark. b) approval, a result that guaranteed the victory of Tancredo Neves, the opposition candidate, in the direct elections for the presidency in 1985.c) approval, however the direct election for president would not be valid for the 1985 election and would only be valid in the election following.d) approval, however the intervention of the Armed Forces prevented the holding of the election.e) rejection, with the interference of the Armed Forces imposing the election of José Sarney, government candidate.
Question 13 - CEDAF – UFV 2018 - “On March 15, 1985, the last general to govern Brazil, João Figueiredo, refused to hand over the presidential sash to his successor or to solemnly descend the plateau ramp with the ceremonial – he chose to leave the palace through the of funds […]. With his authority eroded and the reputation of heading the most unpopular administration of the previous twenty years, his government also failed in the task assigned to it by its predecessor (Ernesto Geisel):to disengage the military from the control of the executive, without jeopardizing the project of country that had been implemented since 1964.”SCHWARCZ, Lilia; STARLING, Heloisa. Brazil:a biography. 1st ed. São Paulo:Companhia das Letras, 2015. p. 467-468. Adapted. Regarding the process of political opening that took place in the 1970s in Brazil, it is CORRECT to state:a) It began in the government of Emílio Garrastazu Médici, convinced that that moment was the most convenient to annul the repressive measures of his predecessors .b) He had as his most important instrument the position of bionic senator, representing the moment of greater participation of the Communist Party in the military-civil government. c) It occurred abruptly, from liberalizing measures such as direct elections for governors and president of the republic, placing Brazil in the ranking of democratic countries.d) It was the solution found to keep oppositions away from the executive power, guaranteeing the alternation of power between the regime's allies in a safe way.
INTRODUCTION 01 - E02 - C03 - C04 - A05 - D06 - D07 - A08 - B09 - B10 - B11 - E12 - A13 - D14 - B