History quiz

Exercises on the Sarney Government - with feedback

Question 01 - FGV-SP - 2003/2 - 1st phase - In January 1985, Tancredo Neves was elected President of the Republic by the PMDB. Regarding the so-called Democratic Transition, it is correct to say:a) Tancredo Neves' government was marked by great political instability that led to the resignation of the president and the inauguration of his vice president, José Sarney. b) Tancredo Neves was elected president in a indirectly by the Electoral College, with José Sarney, former president of the PDS, a party that supported the Military Regime, as vice president. c) The Democratic Alliance was formed around Tancredo Neves, which brought together the PMDB and PDS dissidents, including José Sarney and Paulo Salim Maluf.d) Tancredo Neves' candidacy had the official support of all political parties in opposition, completely isolating the collaborators of the Military Regime.e) Despite being victorious in the indirect elections, Tancredo Neves was prevented from taking over the government by the Armed Forces, which closed the issue around the name of José Sarney.

Question 02 - EspCEx 2011 - In March 1985, José Sarney unexpectedly assumed the Presidency of the Republic. In February of the following year, it announced the adoption of an economic plan that had an immediate impact on the whole of society, since
In the first month of its implementation, inflation jumped from 200% per year to 400% per year.
br />B caused an immediate increase in the supply of goods in supermarkets, mainly due to the work of federal police, called Sarney inspectors.
C) with more money in their pockets and low interest rates for purchases in installments, many people went shopping, which led to an expansion in industrial activities.
D) created a new currency, the Real, whose print is attractive, modern and stabilized the value of Brazilian money internationally.
E) in In the November 1986 elections, due to the success of the economic plan, he managed to get Fernando Collor de Melo to be elected President of the Republic as his successor.
Question 03 - CEFET-MG - 2014 - Integrated Technician - “Sarney takes over as vice-president in the exercise of the Presidency of the Republic. It took effect on April 21, 1985, due to the death of Tancredo Neves, attributed to a generalized infection, after seven surgeries and 38 days of agony, in a tragedy that unites and moves the country. The crossing is complete. The transition is complete. It was not just the government that changed, but the political regime. The biggest priority now is to consolidate the transition.” COUTO, Ronaldo Costa. Indiscreet history of dictatorship and opening – Brazil:1964-1985. São Paulo:Editora Record, 1999. p. 443. The factor that defined this transition process in the Sarney Administration (1985-1990) was the (a) promotion of political reforms to eliminate the existing multi-party system in the country. b) emergence of a new constitutional charter to restore the democratic process . c) increase in economic-financial reform to nationalize the country's banking system. d) resumption of institutional acts by governments of the previous decade to guarantee social organization.
Question 04 - Mackenzie 2015 - The government of José Sarney (1985-1990) was characterized as a government of democratic transition, which was responsible, among others, for the establishment of direct elections at all levels. In the economic sphere, this period was marked by high rates of inflation and various economic plans such as the Cruzado Plan. In addition to the national currency losing three zeros and going from Cruzeiro to Cruzado, all prices were frozen for a year, which caused a lack of goods and products that were only offered upon payment of “premium”. b) the peaceful transition to a government with democratic characteristics reflected positively on our economy. With the IMF, Brazil obtained a moratorium on Brazilian debt and an increase in national credit from foreign bankers. c) with the Bresser Plan, in July 1987, the purchasing power of the popular classes increased and unemployment rates decreased. As a result, consumption increased, which heated up the national economy and also attracted foreign investors to the country. d) Plano Verão, in January 1989, preceded a new currency exchange. The Cruzado was replaced by the Cruzado novo by the Minister of Finance Dílson Funaro, which resulted in losses for the economy, as our currency was devalued again. Brazilian economy. The extinction of the monetary correction reallocated part of the capital that was applied in the financial sectors to the productive one, generating jobs that boosted our economy.
Question 05 - UERR - 2016.1 - Many economic plans were created in Brazil to contain inflation and promote economic stability. Among these various plans, the Bresser Plan and the Summer Plan stand out, which were created during the President's government:A) Luíz Inácio “Lula” da Silva.B) Fernando Henrique Cardoso.C) Fernando Collor de Mello.D) Itamar Franco .E) José Sarney.
Question 06 - CESGRANRIO - 2010 - Petrobras -
The Cruzado Plan, adopted by the Sarney government in 1986, to reduce the rate of inflation, had as its outstanding feature
(A) the use of the exchange rate freeze as the main mechanism to control inflation.
>(B) increase the degree of indexation of the economy, to reduce inflationary distortions.
(C) increase the supply of imported products.
(D) strongly contract aggregate demand for goods and services.
>(E) eliminate inertial inflation through a general price freeze.

Question 07 - CESGRANRIO - 2010 - ELETROBRÁS - In Brazil, during the 1980s, the Sarney government adopted the Cruzado Plan to fight inflation. This plan was mainly based on(a)
(A) a wide-ranging price freeze and various measures to de-index the economy.
(B) a substantial cut in current public sector spending.
(C) ) new unit of monetary value, the URV.
(D) reduction of the money supply, through the “confiscation” of the population's financial assets.
(E) moratorium on the internal debt of the public sector.
Question 08 - PMMG - 2010 - After the military dictatorship in Brazil, it was up to the 1st civilian president to collect the rubble left by the old regime. To contain the inflationary race and resume economic growth, economic packages and plans were established. Regarding the economic plans of the Sarney government, it is correct to say:
A) The Plano Verão promoted a new cut of three zeros in the currency. The Cruzado Novo was extinguished, in the economy there was a thawing of all prices and wages.
B) The Cruzado Plan promoted the devaluation and cut three zeros of the currency, replaced the name Cruzeiro to Real and managed to de-index the economy.
C) The Cruzado II Plan promoted the freezing of prices and salaries, containing the increase in inflation. Brazil broke with the IMF and declared a moratorium.
D) The Bresser Plan froze prices for two months, increased public tariffs and taxes, and abolished the salary bonus. Negotiations with the IMF resumed, suspending the moratorium.

Question 09 - ESPM 2007 - With the return of the military to the barracks and the redemocratization of Brazil, President José Sarney convened a National Constituent Assembly, which was elected in November 1986. On October 5, 1988, what became known as the “Citizen Constitution” was promulgated. one that presents novelties incorporated into the Brazilian constitutional text in 1988:
a) Expansion of citizenship with the extension of the devout right to illiterates; creation of the “habeas data” that allows citizens to obtain information related to their person, contained in official records.
b) Expansion of citizenship with the extension of the right of devotion to people over 16 years old – optional vote; end of union unity.
c) End of union unity; obligation of foreign companies to maintain at least 2/3 of Brazilian employees.
d) Institution of reelection for the presidency of the republic and presidential term of five years.
e) Universal voting mandatory for people over 18 years old (except for illiterate, welded and cables); the president's right to issue decrees with the force of law.

Question 10 - FCC - 2010 - Civil House-SP - The last year of your [Sarney] government was, in every way, disastrous (...). The atmosphere was like a party. The door to the public vault was opened for the benefit of unscrupulous politicians who bargained for support for the president in exchange for political and/or financial favors, which contributed to the erosion of the image of politicians in public opinion.
(Francisco de Assis Silva . História do Brasil. São Paulo:Moderna, 1992, p. 326-27) The information in the text identifies a political practice, which the New Republic evidenced, known as (A) “physiologism”.
(B) “ nepotism”.
(C) “corporatism”.
(D) “coronelismo”.
(E) “deliverance”.

01 - B
02 - C
03 - B
04 - A
05 - E
06 - E
07 - A
08 - D
09 - A
10 - A