Ancient history

What did Elizabethans eat for breakfast?

The gentry

The wealthy and upper-classes did not normally eat breakfast and certainly did not eat the bread, broth and ale eaten by the farming and working classes. Instead they would wait and have their first real meal of the day at about noon. This would then be followed by other meals around 3pm and the main evening meal at around 6pm.

At breakfast time the gentry may eat a snack of dried fruits, nuts or gingerbread if they really felt hungry.

The farming and working classes

Breakfast for the farming and working classes was often the most substantial meal of the day and would be taken at about 6 or 7am if they were working out in the fields or at 8am if staying at home.

Common foods for breakfast could be:

* Coarse black bread

* Pottage, a stew of meat and vegetables in ale

* Oatmeal or pottage made from oatmeal

* Cheese and bread

* Fish or meat that was leftover from the previous day's meal

* Ale, small beer or buttermilk (if available)