- Land: Soldiers were often granted land in exchange for their military service. This land could be used to support themselves and their families, and could also be passed down to their heirs.
- Plunder: Soldiers were also allowed to keep a portion of the plunder that they acquired in battle. This could include weapons, armor, horses, and other valuables.
- Social status: Soldiers who distinguished themselves in battle could rise in social status. They might be promoted to higher ranks within the military, or they might be granted titles of nobility.
- Land: Samurai were granted land in exchange for their military service. This land was typically larger and more valuable than the land granted to soldiers.
- Stipends: Samurai also received stipends from their lords. These stipends were used to support their samurai lifestyle, which included training in martial arts, calligraphy, and other cultural pursuits.
- Honor: Samurai were highly respected in Japanese society. They were considered to be the protectors of the country, and they were expected to uphold the highest standards of conduct.