Ancient history

When and how did Harold Godwimson died?

King Harold Godwinson died on 14 October 1066, at the Battle of Hastings, against the invading Norman forces led by William the Conqueror. During the battle, Harold Godwinson was struck in the eye by an arrow and killed.

The exact circumstances of Harold's death are uncertain. One account, preserved in the Bayeux Tapestry, shows a Norman soldier thrusting his lance into Harold's eye. According to the contemporary chroniclers William of Poitiers and Wace, Harold was killed by Eustace II, Count of Boulogne. Other sources, such as the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, state that it was not clear who struck the fatal blow.

Despite the uncertainty surrounding the details, it is generally accepted that Harold Godwinson was killed in the thick of the fighting during the Battle of Hastings. His death marked a significant turning point in the battle, with the Normans ultimately emerging victorious and leading to the Norman Conquest of England.