1. Ancient Egypt (Predynastic to New Kingdom):
- During the early periods of ancient Egyptian history, soldiers wore simple loincloths or short skirts made of linen or leather.
- As Egypt progressed, soldiers began wearing more elaborate clothing, including long skirts reaching to the ankles and tunics with short sleeves.
- They often covered their heads with helmets made of leather, bronze, or copper, and wore sandals to protect their feet.
- Soldiers of higher ranks might wear kilts or pleated skirts, and their clothing could be decorated with colorful patterns.
2. Intermediate Periods:
- During the Intermediate Periods, military attire became more standardized.
- Soldiers typically wore long tunics, similar to those worn by civilians, but they were typically shorter and made from sturdier materials like leather.
- Helmets became more prevalent and were often made from bronze or iron, providing better protection in combat.
- Shields were also widely used, and they could be made from wood, leather, or even bronze.
3. Late Period and Ptolemaic Egypt:
- The later periods saw the influence of foreign cultures, such as the Persians and Greeks, on Egyptian military attire.
- Soldiers wore tunics and cloaks, with the cloaks often being draped over one shoulder for ease of movement.
- Helmets became more elaborate and were sometimes decorated with plumes or crests.
- Body armor, such as scale armor or cuirasses, was introduced and used by some soldiers.
- Greaves were also used to protect the legs, and sandals or boots were worn for foot protection.
It is important to note that the clothing of Egyptian soldiers varied depending on their rank, role, and the time period in which they served, and there were likely variations in attire within each period as well.