Male Names:
- Abba - "father"
- Adad - god of storms and rain
- An - god of the heavens
- Ea - god of wisdom and water
- Enki - another name for Ea
- Enlil - god of the air and wind
- Gilgamesh - legendary hero of Uruk
- Inanna - goddess of love, war, and fertility
- Ishtar - another name for Inanna
- Marduk - patron god of Babylon
- Nabu - god of writing and wisdom
- Nergal - god of the underworld
- Ninurta - god of war and hunting
- Sin - god of the moon
- Tammuz - god of vegetation and fertility
- Utu - god of the sun
Female Names:
- Amat-Ninurta - "servant of Ninurta"
- Belili - "lady" or "mistress"
- Enheduanna - high priestess of Inanna
- Geshtinanna - goddess of wine and brewing
- Ninlil - wife of Enlil
- Ninsun - mother of Gilgamesh
- Siduri - legendary tavern keeper
- Utnapishtim - survivor of the great flood