Current price of silver per troy ounce is approximately $27, which means that the intrinsic silver content of these coins currently equals around _13.5 USD_.
Current price of silver per troy ounce is approximately $27, which means that the intrinsic silver content of these coins currently equals around _13.5 USD_.
The first genetic analysis of the Crusaders in the Middle East confirms that they intermingled frequently with the local population and that, after having large families, they recruited their children into holy battles and died with them, just as they did with the natives Christians who fought on th
Hitler, since the Western Allies refused to recognize his conquest of Poland and insisted on war against Germany, was obliged to attack them. Time was working in favor of the West, at least as Hitler believed, because the German economy was also suffering and the Soviets were becoming more demanding
Minutemen is the name given to members of the Thirteen Colonies militia who swore to be ready for battle within two minutes. This term has since been used to refer to other United States military units, referring to the success and patriotism of the original minutemen. Today it is mainly used to de
The Soviet Union was a nation that existed from 1922 to 1991, and came about as a result of the revolution that turned Russia into a socialist nation in 1917. The Union Soviet, or Union das Republics Socialists Soviet (USSR), existed for much of the 20th century, was the largest nation on the plane