According to Greek mythology, Zeus was married to Hera, but he also had many affairs with other women, both goddesses and mortals. One of these women was Semele, a princess of Thebes. When Semele became pregnant with Zeus' child, Hera became jealous and angry. She disguised herself as an old woman and visited Semele, convincing her to ask Zeus to reveal himself in all of his divine glory.
When Zeus appeared to Semele in his full glory, she was unable to withstand his power and she was incinerated. However, Zeus managed to save the unborn Dionysus and sewed him into his thigh until he was ready to be born.
Dionysus was eventually born and raised by the Nymphs, and he grew up to become the god of wine, celebrations, and revelry. He is often depicted as a young, handsome man with a wreath of grape vines around his head and a wine cup in his hand.