From January 1980 to December 1980: There are 366 days in a leap year (1980 was a leap year).
From January 1981 to December 2022 (current year): There are 42 years. Each non-leap year has 365 days, and there are 10 leap years with 366 days each during this period.
Number of days in 42 non-leap years = 42 * 365 = 15,330 days
Number of days in 10 leap years = 10 * 366 = 3,660 days
Total number of days from January 1981 to December 2022 = 15,330 + 3,660 = 18,990 days
Adding the days from January 1980 (366 days) to the days from January 1981 to December 2022 (18,990 days), we get a total of:
366 + 18,990 = 19,356 days
Therefore, approximately 19,356 days have passed since January 1980.