Ancient history

What is the value of a 1864 Indian Head penny?

1864 Indian Head Penny Value

* Condition: Poor

* Value: $0.50

* Condition: Fair

* Value: $2.00

* Condition: Good

* Value: $5.00

* Condition: Very Good

* Value: $10.00

* Condition: Extremely Fine

* Value: $50.00

* Condition: Uncirculated

* Value: $500.00

Grading Scale

* _Poor_: The coin is heavily worn with most of the design elements missing.

* _Fair_: The coin is moderately worn with some of the design elements missing or barely visible.

* _Good_: The coin is lightly worn with all of the design elements visible.

* _Very Good_: The coin shows some wear, but the design elements are sharp and clear.

* _Extremely Fine_: The coin shows no wear and the design elements are sharp and clear.

* _Uncirculated_: The coin is in perfect condition with no signs of wear.