- Mint State - $435
- Extremely Fine - $395
- Very Fine - $300
- Fine - $ 260
- Very Good - $230
- Mint State - $435
- Extremely Fine - $395
- Very Fine - $300
- Fine - $ 260
- Very Good - $230
After the Franco-German War of 1870, which implied for France the loss of Alsace and Lorraine, the French general Raymond Adolphe Sére de Rivières elaborated a plan to defend the new border of the country . Said plan included four strongholds in eastern France:Verdun, Toul, Épinal and Belfort. The c
Type: light support tank.Crew :3 + 6 men.Armament :a 76 mm gun; a coaxial 7.62mm PKT machine gun; one 7.62 mm PKT machine gun on each side of the hull; a launch pad for the ATGW Sagger anti-tank missile.Armour :information not received. Dimensions: length :5.30 m; width :2.65 m; height: 1.85 m.Weig
If someone believes that refugee camps are a sad reality of our days, they are mistaken because, unfortunately, there is little left to invent in terms of human catastrophes in times of war. A good example could be El Shatt, a camp located in Egypt that did not take in Palestinians, Lebanese or Syri
Sitting Bull (Sitting Bull) - (around 1834 - December 15, 1890) was a tribal chief and shaman of the Sioux Hunkpapas, of whom he was the main resistance fighter against the American army. Its original name, Tatanka Iyotanka, means “seated male bison” in Sioux. Sitting Bull in 1882 He was born i