Ancient history

As in 40 (exhibition)

May 1940:tanks pass refugees between Soissons and Laon, German soldiers play cards on the front, abandoned French helmets litter the ground near Dunkirk... These photos alone reflect the atmosphere of this terrible year, which the “Comme en 40” exhibition, organized by the Musée de l'Armée in Paris. It recounts this chaotic episode in the history of France which, among other things, saw defeat, the resignation of Prime Minister Paul Reynaud, the appeal of General de Gaulle, or the signing of the armistices. It explores how the French experienced these events, whether they were inhabitants of the occupied zones or not, prisoners, refugees... And allows us to discover sometimes rare documents from the period, such as 78 rpm discs including the recording of the negotiations of the armistice carried out by the Germans without the knowledge of the French, or the draft of the agreements between Churchill and De Gaulle in August 1940.

Like in 40
Army Museum, Hôtel des Invalides, 75007 Paris
Date Until January 10, 2021