The Royal Scots Greys. The 2nd Scottish Dragoons, whose origins date back to 1678, were amalgamated in 1971 with the 3rd Carabinieri (Prince of Wales' Dragoons Guards) to form the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (Carabinieri and Greys).
He took part in the Napoleonic wars. At Waterloo, June 18, 1815, they charge under the command of General William Ponsonby the French infantry. The latter is pressed, Sergeant Ewart seizes the eagle of the 45th line infantry regiment (since then, the Napoleonic imperial eagle is integrated into the badge of the regiment). Only the Bachelu brigade which manages to form the square resists. Covered by grapeshot and despite heavy losses, the Scots Grays attack the large French battery. But Napoleon reacted and sent the 4th Lancers and Milhaud's cuirassiers to halt the advance of the English cavalry. The counter-offensive was a success:the Scots were decimated by the French1 and had to fall back in disorder. General Ponsonby is killed.
The regiment fought in the Crimea in 1854.
The Grays fought in South Africa in 1899-1902 and on the Western Front in World War I.
He fought in Syria in 1941, in North Africa in 1941-42, in Italy in 1943 and took part in the German campaign from Normandy in 1944-45.
It becomes on July 2, 1971 Royal Scots Dragoon Guards.