Flavius Orestes
Flavius Oreste was born in Petavium, a town in Pannonia on the Drave (a tributary of the Danube), into a wealthy Roman family close to the imperial court. He was a very close collaborator of Attila (probably his secretary).
Attila died in 453, his sons disputed the power, precipitating the end of the Huns empire. We find Orestes several years later, at the head of the Confederate barbarian troops which constituted the Imperial Army of Italy.
In 475, he deposed the reigning emperor Julius Nepos and placed his son, the adolescent Romulus Augustulus, on the throne, keeping for himself the title of patrician.
Orestes refused to give in to the demands of his troops, inspired by the barbarian leader Odoacer, who demanded possession of a third of the land of Italy. His soldiers revolted and killed him in 476 during the siege of Pavia.