Ancient history


It is one of the branches of Christianity that had its origins in the Reformation of Europe in the 16th century organized by Martin Luther. Protestantism means in the strict sense the group of imperial princes and cities who signed a protest against the Edict of Worms which prohibited Lutheran teachings in the Holy Roman Empire, but in the broadest sense it designates all Christian religious groups of Western European origin.

Martin Luther broke with the Catholic Church, defended that faith was the fundamental element for salvation and condemned the sale of indulgences by the church and the moral debasement of the clergy of the time.
He wrote 95 theses questioning the dogmas, teachings and practices of the clergy. He was excommunicated by the pope at the time Leo X for denying the pope's infallibility.

According to Protestantism the source of faith is the Bible. Luther did away with images of the saints, suspended celibacy, banned Latin from celebrations, and maintained baptism and the Eucharist. It gave rise to different currents, among them the historical Protestantism that stands out the Presbyterian, Baptist and Methodist that are classic churches emerged with the reform, Pentecostalism born in the USA where it accepts the manifestation of the Holy Spirit as the Christian Congregation, Assembly of God , God is love and Foursquare Gospel known in Brazil for rigid customs and neo-Pentecostalism that are liberal in terms of customs and preach prosperity. In Brazil, the best known are Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus, Renascer em Cristo and Comunidade Evangélica Sara Nossa Terra.

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