The Theory of Relativity, one of the most important scientific advances of the 20th century, catapulted a gangly man of science born in Germany 135 years ago to immortality. Albert Einstein , become an icon of world scientific intelligence, he won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 and years later, the academic community would be surprised to see that his school results were not exactly the most outstanding. Apparently, the paradox was always at the side of the genius of our time, since his research and questioning were used as the basis for the development of one of the deadliest weapons in the history of mankind:atomic bombs. Certainly, Einstein did not dedicate his life to study with his mind set on contributing to such nonsense, but somehow he confirms what has been said by many philosophers throughout time (and space) that fascinated him so much:the knowledge and creativity of the human being can produce sublime things but also fatal. In this note, some facts about Albert Einstein .
Son of Hermann Einstein and Pauline Koch, both of Jewish religion, Albert Einstein It saw the light for the first time on March 14, 1879 in the German city of Ulm, in the south of the former German Empire. From an early age, the strengths of who would become the best-known physicist and scientist of all time were revealed. Albert Einstein he had difficulty speaking other languages, but had a superior understanding of natural sciences, physics, and mathematics.
The clashes between the teenage Einstein and his school teachers were not uncommon, the almost military discipline of the educational centers of a government administration that imposed very inflexible learning methods for the students, caused more than one headache to one of the most brilliant minds that humanity has known. When he was only 15 years old, Albert Einstein decides to start on his own and without the help of any tutor, the study of derivatives and integrals in what it means, a clear example of his ingenuity and special ability to consolidate his knowledge of the tools that would later be very useful in the formulation of their theories and hypotheses.
At the age of 21, this exceptional scientist graduated in the specialties of Mathematics and Physics from the best school for the study of sciences in Central Europe:The Federal Polytechnic School from Zurich. In 1902 Albert Einstein , who had been unemployed for a long time, found a job at the Federal Office for Intellectual Property in Bern, Switzerland, a job he got with the help of a friend and classmate Marcel Grossmann. Einstein's seven-year period at the Bern patent office (1902-1909) was, without a doubt, the most prolific and productive in the renowned physicist's life.
In 1905 he developed several works, including an extensive explanation of Brownian motion and a study of the photoelectric effect, as well as research on special relativity and an analysis about mass-energy equivalence. With the work on the Brownian movement, he obtained the degree of Doctor at the University of Zurich and with the study on the photoelectric effect he achieved the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.
Einstein taught Theoretical Physics at the Universities of Bern and Prague. From this period dates his conviction that time should be considered as a fourth dimension, to be taken into account in addition to the other three already known. Shortly before the outbreak of the first world war, he is called to be a member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. Einstein decides to move to Berlin, the city where he would live for 17 years and from which he would defend his theory of special relativity from the numerous attacks that he would be the target of during the 1920s.
In December 1932, just a month before the nefarious Adolf Hitler began the destruction of the Weimar Republic and German democracy, Albert Einstein he escaped to the United States of America, a country in which he would live until his death and where he held the position of professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.
The theories for which Albert Einstein is most remembered they are, without a doubt, the Theory of Special Relativity (1905) and the Theory of General Relativity (1915). The first focuses on the explanation of the physics of movement in the framework of flat space and time. The theory developed by Einstein, while working in the patent office in Bern, specifies the movement of bodies at high speed, in addition to their electromagnetic interactions. The results of this theory have been used to study inertial reference systems.
The second theory or Theory of General Relativity (1915), was first exposed in a conference at the Prussian Academy of Sciences. This theory posits that the geometry of space-time is influenced by matter, a situation that results in a relativistic theory of the gravitational field. The importance of this theory lies in the fact that its analysis indicates that, in the presence of bulky matter (planets, etc.), space-time will show a curvature that will be noticed as a gravitational field.
Albert Einstein He died at the age of 76 in Princeton (New Jersey, USA). A tragic paradox closes the life of this exceptional man of science:as a result of his theories, the first atomic bombs were developed, a goal that the scientist would never have wanted to achieve.