When doom will come, there will be no light in the moon, the sun and the moon will become one, and man will not understand where to go and he will have no refuge other than Allah……. ,
- Excerpt from the description of doom in the Qur'an.
At a time when the development of various philosophical ideas within Vaishnavism on the land of India was achieving new heights, a new ideological movement was born on the land of Arabia, away from India, which came to be known as Islam. The Arabian Peninsula, located in West Asia, is surrounded on three sides by the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf. The entire peninsula is desert except for some coastal areas.
Meaning of Islam
'Salam' of Islam Arabic language Derived from the word which means to obey. 'Islam' Means 'obeyer of command.' The real meaning of Islam is 'one who has his neck at the command of God.' Islam in the broadest sense is the name of a religious sect that originated in Arabia in the seventh century. Believers of this opinion 'Muslim' are called. Muslim word 'Musallam-Iman' has a distorted form.
'Musallam' Means 'complete' and 'Iman' Means 'Deen or Dharma.' That's why Muslims call those people who have full faith in Islam. Whatever work they do, they do it in the name of Allah and before starting the work they say- 'I do this work in the name of the Most Merciful and Merciful Allah (Bismillah-Hirrahma-Nirrahim).'
Ancient religion of Arabia
Before the rise of Islam, the religious views of the Arabs were similar to those of the Hindus of ancient times. Like the Hindus, they were idol worshipers and they had faith in many gods and goddesses. Just as the Hindu people believed in clan-devatas, village-devatas etc., similarly these people also had a deity of each clan, who protected them. The superstition among the Arabs was also full of code.
They believed that ghosts and spirits reside in trees and stones and have the power to cause various kinds of troubles to human beings. There is a famous place in Mecca called Kaaba where 360 idols were once worshipped. A black stone is present here from very ancient times. The Arabs believed that God had dropped this stone from the sky. That is why they considered it very sacred and used to go to Kaaba for its darshan and worship.
This stone is still seen with respect among the followers of Islam. The burden of protecting the Kaaba was on a clan named Quraysh, a child named Muhammad was born in the Quraysh clan, who later made a great revolution against the ancient religious system of Arabia and gave birth to a new religion, which became known as Islam. . Before the rise of Islam, there were also settlements of foreign Jews and Christians in Arabia. People of different languages and religions came in contact with each other and their beliefs influenced each other.
Introduction of Hazrat Muhammad
Hazrat Muhammad was born in a simple family of Mecca in AD 570. His father's name was Abdullah and mother's name was Amina. His father had died before Muhammad was even born. When he was six years old his mother died, and when he was eight years old his grandfather also died. They started grazing sheep, due to which their education was not properly arranged.
Yet he was a reflective child. Historian Nathanian Platt has written- 'Under the starry sky of Arabia an orphaned shepherd boy spent his alone time contemplating about God.'
As an adult, Muhammad, accompanied by his uncle, took a convoy of camels from one place to another. These trips gave him knowledge of the geographical, political and social conditions of Mecca as well as practical knowledge of trade.
Due to travel and business, Mohammed came into contact with a wealthy widow 'Bibi Khadija' Happened from Impressed by his honesty and qualities, Bibi Khadija proposed marriage to him, which he accepted. At that time the age of Muhammad was about 25 years and that of Bibi Khadija was about 40 years. Hazrat Muhammad lived a simple life. Nothing special happened in his life till the age of forty.
One day he had a vision of the angel Jibreel who came to him with the message of Allah. The message was as follows- 'Take the name of Allah, the one who created all things. After this Muhammad had a direct vision of Allah and got this message - 'There is no other God except Allah and Muhammad is his prophet.
Now Muhammad started preaching his faith. He gave the first sermon of his knowledge to his wife Khadija. He opposed idol-worship and extravagance. There was nothing different or new in his teachings from Jewish, Christian and Hanafi teachings, but Hazrat Muhammad said that believe only in Allah. His wish should be quietly beheaded.
Surah 3 of the Qur'an says- 'Allah bears witness that there is no one to be worshiped except Him (the One Allah) and the angels and the people of knowledge also testify that He is all with justice. Something's going to take care of. There is no other Ilah (worshipful) except Him, He is omnipotent and knowledgeable. Surely the deen are close to Allah, this is Islam (self-surrender).'
The Arabs did not welcome the ideas of Muhammad. The people of his own Qureshi clan strongly opposed Muhammad. Some people conspired to kill Hazrat Muhammad, forcing him to leave his native Mecca and go to Medina on 28 June 622. From here 'Hijri Samvat' of Muslims begins. 'Hajr' of Hijri Arabic Derived from the word, which means- 'to be separated or separated.' Since Hazrat Muhammad left Mecca and went to Medina, this incident was called 'Hijrat' says.
In the agricultural oasis of Medina (Yasrib), Hazrat Muhammad found a favorable environment for the propagation of his ideas. The people of Medina had enmity with the elite people of Mecca, so they gladly supported Hazrat Muhammad and many people became his followers who 'Ansar' Called Muhammad lived in Medina for nine years.
Hazrat Muhammad along with his followers invaded Mecca in AD 630 and conquered it. The defeated Meccans surrendered and accepted Muhammad's religious beliefs. This did not harm the Qureshi merchants and chieftains, but benefited. The importance of Mecca as an ethnic and religious center increased even more than before.
The Qureshis who earlier viewed Hazrat Muhammad's movement of Islam with hostility, they now joined this movement and also started playing leading roles. As a result, in a short time the whole of Arabia started professing Islam. Mecca became a place of pilgrimage and a major religious center of Islam. Muhammad died in AD 632. His successors were called Khalifa.
Sermons of Hazrat Muhammad
Hazrat Muhammad believed in one Allah, who has neither beginning nor end, that is, he is neither born nor does he die. He is omnipotent, omniscient and most merciful. Muhammad said that since all human beings were created by Allah, all human beings are equal. Muhammad said to his followers- 'The meaning of true religion is that you believe in Allah, Doom, Angels, Quran and Prophet and keep giving your wealth to the poor and the afflicted.'
Recognition of Muslims in relation to Hazrat Muhammad
'La ilaah illlilah muhammadurrasulillah' among Muslims There is an unshakable belief in the doctrine of 'There is no one to be worshiped except Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger. Along with believing in Allah, it is also necessary to believe that Muhammad is the prophet, messenger and prophet of Allah. 'Prophet' to the one who carries the message says.
Hazrat Muhammad brought the message of Allah to the earth, hence he was called Prophet. 'Nabi' It is called the declaration of some useful ultimate knowledge. Since Hazrat Muhammad made such a declaration, he became a prophet. 'Rasool' Means messenger. Hazrat Muhammad is the Messenger, because he acted as a messenger between Allah and man.
Many 'Ilham' from Allah to the Prophet Muhammad (divine knowledge). Muhammad preached this knowledge to the general public which 'Quran' is compiled in. 'Kalam-Pak' Quran Also called. This Himself 'Allah Ta'ala' It's a kalam. It was on Hazrat Muhammad from the sky 'Nazil' is done (taken down). It is believed that by Hazrat Muhammad 'Ilham' His followers used to prepare notes from the things said about it.
After the death of Muhammad, these notes were compiled in AD 650 during the time of Caliph Osman and this compilation came to be known as the Quran. 'Kiran' of the Qur'an Arabic language by the angel Jibril, who passed the divine command to the prophets. Derived from the word, which means- 'near or near.' Thus the Qur'an is the text that takes people closer to Allah.
The second part of the religious literature of Muslims is called Sunna. It contains hadiths related to the life, miracles and teachings of Hazrat Muhammad. The Hadiths were compiled in the ninth century by Ulemas like Bukhari, Muslim ibn al-Ijjaj etc. Many Ulemas wrote the biography of Hazrat Muhammad on the basis of Quran and Hadith.
The oldest of the available biography of Hazrat Muhammad was written by Ibn Isaac, a resident of Medina, in the 8th century AD. Shia followers 'Sunna' Do not believe that which was composed during the reign of the first three Caliphs from the legends about the Prophet.