Ancient history

Women in Nazi camps.

Some camps and certain areas within concentration camps were designed specifically for women. In May 1939, the Nazis opened the Ravensbrueck camp , the largest concentration camp created for women. More than 100,000 women passed through Ravensbrueck until liberation in 1945. In 1942, a women's camp was created at Auschwitz (where the first prisoners were women deported from Ravensbrueck). In Bergen-Belsen, a women's camp was created in 1944. Thousands of female Jewish prisoners from Ravensbrueck and Auschwitz were transferred to Bergen-Belsen.
Her life in the camps:A large dose of solidarity among women to achieve food, the concern so that the children would not suffer, the strategies of teachers and mothers to continue educating their children, the condition of a lost woman (due to the situation of captivity, the girls did not menstruate and that worried the Nazi doctors, who thus could not continue with their cruel experiments on the bodies of their prisoners)…
Stories like those of Micheline :

"They took away our identity, our childhood, our family, our lives... Everything!"

Raia :

“Once they freed us, we were nothing. Neither men nor women. Simple ghosts»

Read :

«After so much suffering and so much death, I learned what life is. I learned to live»

Neither women nor children were spared from Nazi mass murder operations. Women, especially those with young children, were often the first "selected" for gassing in the death camps.
In the ghettos and camps, the Nazis rounded up women for forced labor. Nazi doctors often used Jewish and Gypsy women for sterilization experiments and other immoral human experiments. In the camps and ghettos, women were particularly vulnerable to harassment and rape. Pregnant Jewish women often tried to hide their pregnancies or were forced to have abortions.

Many of the female guards of the S.S. They were equal in cruelty and harshness to their male colleagues. They even competed to be the cruelest in dealing with prisoners. Especially feared was the head of surveillance of the women's camp, Maria Mandel , who also took part in the selections.
The women physically and psychically collapsed before the men, thus also becoming a «Muslim » (so the S.S. called prisoners who looked extremely emaciated and could no longer do hard work). The average life expectancy of women in the countryside was 50% lower than that of men.
Only the life expectancy of those women who were part of the "good work commandos" was higher ( eg in the kitchen, in the tailor shop, as an assistant in the commander's family, as a writer in the political section, etc.). All the other prisoners had to perform, like the men, the most arduous jobs.
Women were also forced to lend themselves to pseudo-medical experiments. Doctors Dr. Schumann stood out especially for their cruelty. (X-ray sterilization), Dr. Clauberg (sterilization with chemical preparations, artificial insemination of women, castration of men) and Dr. Mengele (experimentation with twins, racial research on gypsies and midgets).

The Nazi regime decided in 1942 to "reward" concentration camp prisoners with sex, which is why they set up brothels and forced numerous female prisoners to work in them. In total, the SS opened ten brothels , the largest of them in Auschwitz, where there were up to 21 women working at the same time. The last brothel was opened in early 1945, shortly before the end of the war. Jewish women were not recruited for these centers.

"They were promised that they would be released after half a year if they worked in the brothel," but these promises were never kept.

In addition, the prostitutes, most of them in their early 20s, received more food and were treated differently from the rest of the women. These young women had been interned in concentration camps under the pretext of having "asocial" or antisocial behavior. In exchange, they had to work every day between eight in the afternoon and ten at night.

«The brothels show another dimension of Nazi terror, where the victims of the Nazis were turned into criminals against women»

The meetings were supervised at all times.

"Missionary position and sex were only allowed for 15 minutes"

Collaboration of D. Abel Reyes Tellez , historian and National President of the Nicaraguan Social Christian Party (PSC)

Photo:Roman Empire

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