He served as its chancellor until 1890 under Kaiser Wilhelm I and Kaiser Friedrich III. Bismarck's achievements also include unifying Germany through a policy of "blood and iron", which involved three successful wars against Denmark, Austria, and France. Additionally, he introduced social welfare reforms, forged alliances with Austria-Hungary and Russia, and successfully isolated France following the 1870-71 Franco-Prussian War. Bismarck left German politics during an intense conflict with Kaiser Wilhelm II; nevertheless, his legacies in terms of diplomacy, foreign policy, state administration, and social policies endured well after his fall from power and influenced European affairs far into the twentieth century.
The XVIII Infantry Division (MP) held the extreme left of the Metaxa Line in April 1941. The division with only five battalions held a line 40 km long with only one company in reserve. The forts of Istibey, Kelkagia, Arpalouki and Paliouriones also belonged to the divisions sector. The division had