Turn of 20th Century
Rapid Urbanization:
- Large-scale migration to cities.
- Population explosion in urban centers.
- Rapid urban growth.**
- Overcrowded cities, congested living spaces.
Industrialization and factories:
- Shift from agricultural to industrial work.
- Increased job opportunities in factories.
- Long working hours, poor working conditions.
- Low wages, child labor.
Social Changes:
- Growth of urban working class.
- Improved sanitation & infrastructure.
- Social inequality between rich & poor.
- Development of Social movements, Unions.
- Women entered workforce.
Economic Changes:
- Increased efficiency, increased production.
- Mass production, consumer goods.
- Rise of big business, corporations.
- Wealth concentrated, disparity.
Technological Innovations:
- Electricity, telephones, transport system.
- New inventions (phonographs, cars, etc) improved daily life.
- Improved communication, travel.
Environmental Impact:
- Pollution, deforestation, environmental degradation.
- Poor air quality, urban heat island effect.
Changes in Family Structure:
- Families moved to cities together, urban family.
- Smaller families, improved birth control.
- Changed gender roles, women's roles.
- Higher marriage rates, more stability.
Culture, Arts & Entertainment:
- Emergence mass culture, entertainment.
- Newspapers, magazines, popular music.
- Expansion of public spaces (parks, libraries).
- Cultural and ethnic diversity.
Healthcare and Education:
- Public healthcare services.
- Increased literacy rates, educational opportunities.
- Advances in medical knowledge.
- Poverty, inequality, labor issues.
- Poor sanitation, communicable diseases.
- Unsafe working conditions, accidents.
- Integration urban infrastructure, social services.
Overall, urbanization and industrialization brought significant changes to society. While it brought economic growth and technological innovations, it also posed social, environmental, and economic challenges that society.