History of Europe

The USSR gave weapons &dollars to KKE in the Civil War... the Russian archives have spoken!

The recent declassification of previously secret documents from the Russian state archives brings to light unknown details from aspects of the Civil War, which was disastrous for our country, in the period 1946-1949. According to these documents, the Soviet Union supplied the men of the Democratic Army with German weapons, although with the Yalta Conference in 1945, Moscow had agreed that post-war Greece would belong to the Western sphere of influence.


According to Molotov's report to Stalin, the USSR was sending weapons from the Nazi stockpile and not of Soviet origin so that it could not be shown to have provided support to the KKE. Financial support of 100,000 dollars to the KKE results. It is impressive that in the declassified documents there is a reference that the USSR did not send to the men of the DSE and the KKE, because there was no availability of foreign manufacture.

Moscow sought to have the clothes and shoes sent be foreign-made so that any responsibility could be disclaimed. At the same time, it appears that there was also financial support of 100,000 dollars to the KKE. Among the declassified documents is the letter from Nikos Zachariadis and Markos Vafiadis to the K.K. of the USSR in 1948, after the refusal of communist Albania to continue supporting the struggle of the D.S.E. against government forces characterized as "monarcho-fascist". The disputed documents were made public by historian and author Sergey Radchenko, a professor at Cardiff University, who is known for his research on Cold War issues.