History of Europe

10 facts that will make you feel better as a Pole

Spectacular successes of the Polish hussars. Impressive action of Polish commandos at Monte Cassino. And the British coming to Poland ... for the dishwasher. These stories will improve the mood of every Pole.

This time, as we travel through the ages, we present to you the evidence that there are many episodes in our history that really make you proud.

As always, all positions in TOP10 are based on articles published by us.

We have a lot to be proud of because…


Polish cryptologists in the interwar period were true masters of their profession. They not only broke the Enigma, but also largely contributed to the victory in the Polish-Bolshevik war. Their fame was so great that even ... cryptologists from distant Japan came to study on the Vistula River (read more about it) .


In the 16th and 17th centuries, Poland became a real promised land for visitors from the British Isles. The Scots are especially fond of trips to the Vistula River. For two centuries, tens of thousands of them came to our country. One Scottish traveler bluntly wrote that: we can certainly define Poland as the mother of our commune and the place where the fortunes of our best merchants originate. So in the modern era, it was Poland that went to the dishwasher! (read more about this) .


Poles will find a way out of even the most difficult situation. This is exactly what happened in the spring of 1939, when the German intelligence sabotaged the release of ORP Sęp to us by the Dutch shipyard. Unable to settle the matter with traditional methods, we decided to… kidnap the said unit. Because a Pole cannot be beaten (read more on this topic) .


Many actions of the Home Army are a ready-made sensational film script. One of the most spectacular was the reflection of the prisoners at the hands of the Pinsk Gestapo. Behind this perfectly carried out operation stood the legendary Lieutenant Jan Piwnik "Ponury". Nobody was killed, despite the fact that 3000 enemy soldiers and officers were stationed in the city! (read more about this) .


Our airmen during the Second Polish Republic had many spectacular feats to their credit. Some the largest one could boast of Captain Stanisław Skarżyński. He was the first Pole to fly alone over the Atlantic. At the same time setting the world record for flight distances for tourist aircraft. And all this in a suit (read more about it) .


The Polish independence underground during the Great War did not give the German invader a respite. Expropriation and subversive actions were carried out on a regular basis. Attacks on the most anti-Polish officials and officers were also on the agenda (read more about this) .


During WWII our commandos were one of the best Allied Special Forces soldiers. They confirmed their reputation in May 1944 during the battles for Monte Cassino. It was then that the members of the 1st Independent Commando Company showed unprecedented courage in conquering the Mountain of the Angel of Death (read more on this topic) .


Polish submarines were characterized by remarkable resourcefulness and fortitude. When in September 1939 the OPR Orzel was interned in Tallinn, its crew did not give up. Despite disarming the ship, confiscating maps and the navigation log, the sailors decided to escape and sail into the unknown. After covering 1,500 nautical miles and many dangers, they reached Great Britain (read more about it) .


Polish pilots were so eager to fight the Germans that virtually nothing could stop them. And certainly the Romanian captivity was not an obstacle. Our pilots were true masters of escapes from internment camps. In many cases, their stunts are ready-made action comedy scenarios! (read more about this) .


Husaria is not without reason called the best ride ever. For our cavalrymen, ten or eighteen times the advantage of the enemy was not much of a problem. Even with a force ratio of twenty-five to one, the hussars were able to defeat the enemy (read more on that) .