An unfamiliar person in Japan, he is one of the heroes who saved Rome on the verge of extinction with Marcus Claudius Markels, who was called the Italian sword.
This time, let's take a look at Fabius Maximus, who was called the shield of Italy!
Born in the prestigious Fabius family
There are several influential aristocrats in Rome, and the Fabius family, where Maximus was born, is a super prestigious family along with the Claudius family of Marcus, who was called the Italian sword.
Hannibal I don't know much about Maximus until he attacked, but he seems to have been on a so-called elite course, such as experiencing Puerator (legal officer) and Consul (consul).
At that time, the worst enemy in Roman history, Hannibal Barca, who is said to be the best strategist in the history of the world, crossed the Alps and attacked Rome directly.
The Roman army, which is proud of its strength, has no hands or legs against Hannibal, and suffers a series of losses following a series of losses.
The Roman side was defeated by Hannibal many times and continued to lose consuls and soldiers, but there was almost no damage on the Hannibal side, and it was from the prestigious Fabius family that Rome, who had no hands or feet, appointed him as a dictator. It was Fabius Maximus.
Realize that you can't beat Hannibal-even if you're called Conctator-
Maximus was appointed dictator after the great defeat on the banks of the Trasimeno River in 217 BC, but his tactic of choice was not to fight Hannibal.
After several big defeats, Maxims realized that he couldn't win if he met Hannibal.
However, it was only realized by Maximus, not by the Romans.
People contractor do not go on an aggressive offensive I despised.
At that time, Conctator had a strong meaning of scraps, kamanuke, noroma, and so on.
But no matter how much he was cursed, Maximus did not change his tactics.
The Romans were disappointed and the Senate ordered Maximus to return to Rome. This is a de facto notice of dismissal.
Battle of Cannae and Reassessment
Rome again challenged Hannibal.
The result was a big defeat, as history shows.
It is said that 60,000 Roman soldiers were killed in action, which is said to have been 70,000. The life of one of the consuls, Lucius Aemilia, is dead.
Battle of Cannae , said to be the worst defeat in Roman history Is.
The Romans finally understood the meaning of the actions taken by Maximus.
If you fight Hannibal, you lose.
After Kanne's defeat, Rome again appointed Maximus to the Consul and decided to adopt his tactics.
No one was laughing at him. Conctator changed its meaning and came to mean well-prepared, meticulous, and endurance.
" Fabian tactics " representing endurance today There is a word, but it comes from this Fabius Maximus.
He thoroughly escaped from Hannibal.
Hannibal did not attack Rome directly after the Battle of Cannae.
The reason is in the alliance cities of Rome.
Both Hannibal himself and Maximus knew that if Hannibal attacked Rome, he would be surrounded by his large army, including his allies, and destroyed.
At that time, it is said that the maximum number of troops that the Roman side could mobilize was about 800,000, while Hannibal gathered to the limit without supply and was 50,000.
Hannibal's aim was to turn over the Roman alliance city.
In fact, Syracuse and others are lying down on Hannibal.
The drawback of Hannibal is also the lack of supply lines. Spain was stopped by the Cornelius generals, and maritime replenishment was hampered by Rome, which had command of the sea.
Maximus escaped without fighting when he met Hannibal.
No one laughed at his tactics anymore.
In fact, Hannibal was aggressive. The Roman side has not been hit hard since Kanne. We have experienced some defeats, but no decisive defeats.
Someday Fabius Maximus is a Italian shield It was supposed to be called.
While Hannibal was invading Rome, Rome had begun an invasion of Africa, the home of Carthage.
The impatient Carthage summons Hannibal to his home country.
The crisis in Rome is gone.
And Hannibal was defeated in the Battle of Zama by the young Roman genius Scipio Africanus.
Fabius itself did not see the end of the Punic Wars and ended its life for 72 years.
Personal evaluation of Fabius Maximus
One of the heroes who saved Rome.
One who thinks Rome would have been destroyed without him.
It is his credit to bounce off the onslaught of genius tacticians like Hannibal.
It is doubtful that Rome could have survived until the time of Scipio without Maximus.
No matter how stupid you are, not everyone can go the right way.
He will undoubtedly be one of the leading generals of world history in Rome.