Birth of Julius Caesar:
Caius Julius Caesar was born into a rich and noble Roman family. Very early on, he became involved in politics and built his career by relying on the people.
IN 60 B.C. AD
Alliance with Pompey and Crassus:
Faced with a divided Senate and in a climate of civil war, Julius Caesar secretly gets on with General Pompée and the very rich Crassus who funded his career. The 3 men share the power on the Roman territory:It is the first triumvirate . But conflicts arise within this alliance.
Julius Caesar conquers Celtic Gaul:
The Celts (inhabitants of Gaul) rebel and resist bravely.
IN 52 B.C. AD
Julius Caesar defeats Gaul:
The triumph is complete:It brings new territory to Rome as well as a million Gallic slaves.
IN 49 B.C. AD
Julius Caesar takes over Rome:
He crossed with his legions the Rubicon, a border river between Cisalpine Gaul and Italy, and marched on Rome . Pompey fled to Greece with part of the Senate, but he was defeated by Julius Caesar in 48 BC, before being assassinated in Egypt. Julius Caesar gradually becomes the absolute master of Rome and brings a certain peace there. He is elected by the Senate “dictator for life” and holds all the powers. Enjoying strong support from the army, he muzzled the Senate. To anchor his popularity in Rome, he built great monuments that recall his glory. He raises a temple all in marble to the one he considers his divine mother:Venus (goddess of love). Although he denies it, he seems tempted by the royal power that the Romans hate.
IN 47 B.C. AD
Julius Caesar besieges Alexandria in Egypt:
He then places on the throne the Egyptian Cleopatra VII who gives him a son, Caesarion.
IN 45 B.C. AD
Much of the Mediterranean basin is under the control of Rome .
IN 44 B.C. AD
Julius Caesar is assassinated:
Some senators, fearing that he might end up proclaiming himself king, afflict him with 23 stab wounds.
Octave and Marc Antoine share the Roman Empire:
After the assassination of Julius Caesar, 2 men claim his legacy:Octave , his grand-nephew and adopted son by will, and Marc-Antoine , his lieutenant. They bond initially by allocating each a part of the Roman Empire:Octave grants himself the West and Marc-Antoine the East.
EN 43 AD. AD
The Romans invade England.
IN 31 B.C. AD
Octave and Marc Antoine clash during the naval battle of Actium:
Octave crushes the fleet of Marc-Antoine and the Egyptian queen Cleopatra off the Greek coast.
IN 30 AV. AD
Marc-Antoine commits suicide in Egypt, as well as the Egyptian queen Cleopatra.
Egypt becomes a Roman province.