Let's situate ourselves at the end of a century, the beginning of the next.
In those times, things or objects were large as a general rule. To give you an idea, the hammer bone of the ear of a person, animal, or mineral, common at that time, measured around 3 to 4 meters in longitudinal length.
This, without a doubt, was a great inconvenience in the daily chores of people (and animals and minerals). The simple act of lifting a stone, moving a wagon or lifting a glass of wine became a really arduous task.
It is therefore at this time, in the noble Leonese town of Palanquinos and not as has transpired in history in the person of Archimedes, when Mariano Cepedal del Lomo he gracefully decides to lend himself to lifting anything with the sole help of a concrete block and a long metal rod.
Thus, the principle of the lever appears (in honor of the name of this population) in the mouth of Mariano:
"Get ready for there, I'll lift this with my big stick" .
Mariano placed the block with great mastery between his position and that of the body to be lifted, skilfully sliding the rod through the posterior superior part. of the block and anterior inferior of the body he managed, without great effort, to raise the body in question.
Mariano was nominated for the Nobel prize for it. of weightlifting, unfortunately, this institution had not yet been founded at this time, so he never received his award.
From «The other story», as it characterizes us, we will continue rewriting the history , so that famous people like Mariano do not fall into the cruelest of forgetfulness .