History of Europe

The origin of the expression “touch my…”

We use the expression «touch my eggs «, accompanied by the gesture of reaching out to the very same, as a sign of contempt and mockery towards our interlocutor, but where does this expression come from? The great Greek historian and geographerHerodotus of Halicarnassus , in Book II dedicated to Ancient Egypt, tells us an anecdote that, from my humble point of view, could be considered the origin of this expression that is as vulgar as it is popular.

Relief of Psammetichus I

In the 7th century BC, with Psammetichus I , the first Saite pharaoh, began the 26th dynasty of Egypt. He gained independence from the Assyrian empire and kept his neighbors at bay. On the southern border, the garrison town of Elephantine controlled the routes into the area of ​​present-day Ethiopia. After three years without being paid or relieved, the garrison rebelled and deserted to serve the Pharaoh's enemies. When Psammetichus found out, he gathered the army and went in pursuit of him. He did not take long to catch up with them but, knowing the abandonment to which he subjected them for three years, he did not retaliate. He tried to convince them to come back by resorting to feelings

You cannot abandon the gods or your children and wives

The leader of the rebels approached the pharaoh and holding hands to his genitals he told him:

As long as I have this I will have children and wives

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