To a translation error… and to all those who have taken advantage of it for centuries .
To find this “error » we have to look at a passage in the Bible, specifically in Genesis , where he details that God made Eve from Adam's rib...
Then the LORD caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and while he slept, he took one of the ribs from him […] And the rib that the LORD had taken from the man, he made a woman, and brought her to the man.
Creation of Eve (Michelangelo)
And for the timely explanation my friend Joshua BedwyR will help us.
The origin is in a terrible translation that the Jewish rabbis made centuries ago. But first I need to specify a couple of topics:
– Within the Sumerian culture, there was what was known as the ME . These ME they were a series of creations of the gods, which served to maintain the balance of the world. We know of many, because lists and compilations of them have been found. Among others, we can find from the art of carpentry to the power to create life. And with this power to create life, we are getting closer to the heart of the matter.
– The Sumerians wrote in cuneiform . In this alphabet, some words had different meanings depending on whether they were placed in one part of the text or another. Specifically, the Sumerian word TI could mean, depending on how it was placed, or "rib » or «the power to create life «.
Sumerian table
And after these two considerations, we have reached the point where we discovered the murderer. In the Sumerian Creation Myth , the god Enki creates the woman equal to the man, since she does it with the IT . And given the position of said word in the text, the meaning is «power to create life «. As we well know, the Jews were exiled in Babylon, "invited" by Nebuchadnezzar. Their Canaanite ancestors already had access to the Sumerian cultural works that they had known since the time of Abraham, but also, once in Babylon, they had new access to Sumerian literature, to which, since the SGAE or similar did not yet exist, they they dedicated themselves to shamelessly shooting and plagiarizing to improve the Bible. Entire passages and myths of the literature of the two rivers became pieces of the Torah :the entire Pentateuch, the book of Job, the Song of Songs and even the biography of Moses, which in the absence of blacks, was copied from that of Sargon of Akhad.
In that process of intensive plagiarism, they came across the passage of the god Enki and translated the word TI as «rib «, making the woman go from being someone equal to man since creation to someone subordinate and inferior. Did they do it in bad faith? At this point it is difficult to know. But it is a historical fact that the Jewish rabbis, obsessed with the value of words (in the Bible each name is carefully written and placed according to strict numerical values), always knew languages. And there are more than enough reasons to suspect that they knew the trick of the placement of the word in the text. Come on, it has a certain intentional whiff.
Now you know why for centuries women have been ignored with the number one bestseller in hand. From today, every time someone does not treat you equally, send him to learn languages … or shit as I catch you.