Without a doubt, what most characterized Celtic society was the presence of the druids, a different class of doctor-priest-historians and everything else you can think of.
Celtic society was divided into only 3 classes, the king, the druids, and the men. Druids were superior to kings.
Speaking of druid, however, is not so easy, the word encompasses many, many functions, it would be similar to speaking "intellectual" these days, the term encompasses several professions.
The druids' functions were so specialized that they had universities, with specializations, etc.
There are 6 most common types of druids:
The Druids-Brithem - These were the judges. The Celts never had their laws written down, only the brithem knew it, so their function was to go through the houses and cities and solve impasses that arose.
The Liang-Druids - They were the doctors and healers. In general, they spent more than 20 years in their studies before practicing healing, they had specializations among themselves, among them were herbs, surgeries (such as heart transplant) among others.
The Druids-Scelaige - They were the narrators, their function was only to repeat the great story of the Celts that had been told to them by other scelaige. (Writing was forbidden except for religious rituals) They just repeated it so that history would not be forgotten. They also added to their history the news brought by the Sencha
The Sencha Druids - Since the sceilage were locked up just repeating, they should travel through the Celtic lands and compose new stories about what was happening, these would be passed on to the scelaige who would decorate them.
The Filid-Druids - They were the highest class of druids, their function was direct contact with the gods (Some of them were direct descendants of the gods). The mage merlin is a filid druid.
The Druids-Poets - Since the Scelaige druids memorized the story, someone needed to learn it and tell the people, that was the job of the poets, who kept the Celtic tradition alive.
Since the indigenous people of Mexico, the Aztecs were the ones who most worshiped their Gods. At the time of the arrival of the Spanish, the Aztec religion was a synthesis of beliefs and cults. The agrarian gods of the agricultural peoples of central Mexico merged with the astral gods of the barbar