It seems that the title of this article is a random combination of vowels and consonants, but it is only part of it. The full title would be:
Now one could say that it is another, even longer, combination of vowels and consonants. Well no, now I can say that it is a mnemonic to learn the Roman emperors from Julius Caesar (considering Caesar as emperor even though he was only dictator of Rome) to Marcus Aurelius.
Ce sar, Au Nice, You berium, Ca ligule, Clau gave, Ne Rum, Gal ba, O ton, Vi telio, Go s passiano, Ti to, Do Mithian, Ner go, Tra janus, A Drian, Ant onine and Marco Aurelio.
And here is a representation of everyone, from Augustus to Rómulo Augustulus (To enlarge, click on the image)