What were the Sieges of Zaragoza and why did their fame resonate throughout the world as an example of courage, resistance to tyranny, and defense of freedom, to the point that when in 1944 the Germans destroyed the Warsaw ghetto, one of the favorite slogans of the resisters was “Remember Zaragoza!”? After the success achieved in previous years, the Zaragoza City Council wants to remember these events that made the name of Zaragoza synonymous with freedom with the IV Recreation of the Sites of Zaragoza . For this, a series of recreations will be held on April 27, 28 and 29, for which the City Council has the collaboration of the Aragón Volunteer Association and the support of the Spanish Napoleonic Association (ANE).
For this IV Recreation of the Sites of Zaragoza, the Voluntary Historical Cultural Association of Aragon, doyen of Napoleonic recreation in Spain and co-founder of the ANE, has brought together 450 soldiers, belonging to 30 associations, and come from all over Spain (Zaragoza, Gerona, Madrid, Bailen, Valencia, Tarragona, Asturias, etc…) and the rest of Europe (France, Holland, Poland and Russia) accompanied by 4 cannons, 100 kilos of gunpowder and several horses.
All the participants wear exact replicas of the original uniforms, weapons and equipment, taken care of down to the smallest detail, and their camp will also be an exact replica of how the various ones located around our city were, this time in the Parque del Tío Jorge, very close to where the remains of some 10,000 forgotten defenders are known to rest, in what is known as the "saltpeter pit".
Program of the IV Recreation of the Sites of Zaragoza
Friday April 27:
Assembly of the period camp in the Macañaz grove.
Saturday, April 28:
10:00 a.m.:opening to the public of the Spanish and French camps.
Guided tours, staging, explanations of both civil and military clothing, instruction, volunteer recruitment, instruction, popular music, changing of the guard, etc.
12:20 p.m.:arrival of Palafox brought by the farmers from the Alfranca to the archbishop's palace (from the Arrabal mill) to take command of the square.
12:30 pm:Formation of the troops in the camp and departure by stone bridge to Plaza de LaSeo to recognize the new Captain General. Proclamation of this from his balcony. Parade:Don Jaime, Coso, c/ Alfonso and Plaza del Pilar. Approximate arrival at 1:30 p.m.
1:30 pm:Presentation of the groups in Plaza del Pilar. Hymns and magazine to the troops.
4:00 p.m.:reopening of the museum camp.
6:00 p.m.:Departure of the groups towards the battlefield.
7:00 p.m.:Start of the re-enactment of the battle in the Coso (between c/ San Vicente de Paúl and Blancas), making a retrograde tour of Plaza de España, Coso, c/ Alfonso I and Plaza del Pilar, to conclude at the Puente Stone.
8:30 p.m.:Final recreation with a salvo of honor at Puente de Piedra.
Sunday, April 29:
10:00 a.m.:museum camp opening.
11.30 a.m.:Parade of the groups towards the battlefield:Macanaz, crossing the Ebro, P.º Echegaray, c/ los Diputados.
12:00 noon:start of the fighting at the Aljafería Castle.
1:00 p.m.:capitulation of the castle and end of the recreation.
Parallel to, but separate from, the IV Recreation of the Sites of Zaragoza, a Napoleonic market has always been installed near the camp, which largely helps to provide atmosphere and animation for the public.