1. A sudden and complete or dramatic change in a situation, especially in political or social conditions: "the French Revolution of 1789."
2. A fundamental change in the way of thinking about or doing something: "a revolution in medical science."
3. Astronomy: the complete orbit of a celestial body around another: "the planet's revolution around the sun."
4. Physics: a single complete rotation around a fixed point or axis, as of a spinning object or a planet around its axis: "one revolution per minute."
5. Mathematics: a function that, when raised to a specified exponent or power, produces a given number or expression: "the cube root of 8 is 2, or 2^3 = 8."
6. Machinery: the action of rotating or revolving.
7. Biology: the process of cyclic or spiral development or movement found in various living organisms, such as the rotation of spiraling plant stems or the twisting motion of some bacteria.