- Dark
- Collyrium
- Antimony
- Knowledge
- Mother of Hanuman
- Name of Devi Durga
- Name of mother of Sita
- Name of a famous actress
- Dark
- Collyrium
- Antimony
- Knowledge
- Mother of Hanuman
- Name of Devi Durga
- Name of mother of Sita
- Name of a famous actress
XI AND XII DYNASTIES: The Middle Kingdom marks a bright new period in the history of Ancient Egypt . AROUND 2060 B.C. AD Triumph of Mentuhotep I: Mentuhotep I extends his power over Lower Egypt and unite the country again. He waged war in the neighboring countries, in the northeast against the
Egyptian Art was born more than 3000 years BC. and islinked to religiosity , since most of its statues, paintings, monuments and architectural works are manifested in religious themes. Thus, the interior of the temples, as well as the pieces or spaces related to the cult of the dead, were artistica
FROM THE 21st TO THE 25th DYNASTY: During the late period , Egypt of the pharaohs begins a slow decline because the evolution of the country becomes too slow compared to the rest of the world. The Egyptians find it difficult to adapt to the changing environment and they are being supplanted and d
Gods of Egypt were the deities worshiped by the Egyptians and had great importance in everyday life and local religiosity. The Gods of Egypt were the deities that were part of the Egyptian religion. There was a wide variety of gods in this religion, and so we understand the Egyptians to be polythei