* Freedom
* Opportunity
* Democracy
* Equality
* Diversity
* Innovation
* Entrepreneurship
* Creativity
* Optimism
* Patriotism
Negative words and phrases:
* Arrogance
* Greed
* Imperialism
* Consumerism
* Inequality
* Racism
* Sexism
* Homophobia
* Transphobia
* Xenophobia
* Pollution
Other words and phrases commonly associated with America:
* The American Dream
* The melting pot
* Apple pie
* Baseball
* Hot dogs
* The Fourth of July
* The fifty states
* The United States Constitution
* The White House
* The U.S. Capitol
* The Star-Spangled Banner
* The Statue of Liberty
* The Golden Gate Bridge
* The Grand Canyon
* Times Square
* Hollywood
* Silicon Valley
* The Mississippi River
* The Rocky Mountains
* The Great Plains
* The Sun Belt
* The Bible Belt
* The Rust Belt
* The Sun Belt
* The Blue States
* The Red States