- William Wilberforce
- Thomas Clarkson
- Granville Sharp
- Frederick Douglass
- Harriet Tubman
- Sojourner Truth
- John Brown
- Abraham Lincoln
- Harriet Beecher Stowe
- William Wilberforce
- Thomas Clarkson
- Granville Sharp
- Frederick Douglass
- Harriet Tubman
- Sojourner Truth
- John Brown
- Abraham Lincoln
- Harriet Beecher Stowe
The Constitutional Monarchy or Parliamentary Monarchy, is a form of government in which the king is the Head of State either hereditary or electively, but his powers are limited by the constitution. While in the absolutist monarchy the king was not accountable to parliament, in the constitutional m
Dom Pedro I or Pedro I of Brazil was the first Emperor of Brazil who ruled during the period 1822 and 1831. It was he who declared the Independence of Brazil on September 7, 1822 and granted the first Constitution in 1824. Biography Portrait of Dom Pedro I by Simplício Rodrigues de Sá (1830) Pedr
The process of immigration in Brazil began in 1850 with the end of the slave trade. Wanting to erase the Brazilian slaveholding heritage, the government began to encourage the entry of European immigrants, in order to promote the whitening of the population. Characteristics of immigration in Brazi
The anniversary of Lima should not only remember the Spanish legacy, but also the lordship that previously occupied this territory. The historian Maria Rostworowski wrote about it: Taulichusco curaca that dominated Lima Almost unanimously, the speeches and newspaper articles on the occasion of the