Therefore, four million pounds would have been worth:
4,000,000 pounds x $2.40 per pound = $9,600,000
So, four million pounds in 1970 would have been equivalent to approximately $9.6 million.
Therefore, four million pounds would have been worth:
4,000,000 pounds x $2.40 per pound = $9,600,000
So, four million pounds in 1970 would have been equivalent to approximately $9.6 million.
The coming of the Portuguese royal family to Brazil took place on November 29, 1807 and the delegation arrived in Salvador (BA), on January 22, 1808. The refuge in Brazil was a ploy by the Prince Regent, D. João, to ensure that Portugal remained independent when it was threatened with invasion by
The Abolitionism is the movement that emerged at the end of the 18th century, in Europe, with the aim of putting an end to slavery. In Brazil, the ideal emerged with force in the second half of the 19th century and contributed to the end of slavery in the country. Popular Movements There were many
The pre-colonial period corresponds to the first years of colonization of Brazil by the Portuguese. It covers the years from 1500 to 1530 and the main economic activity was the exploration of pau-brasil. Abstract On April 22, 1500, the Portuguese managed to discover lands that had never been visite
A study carried out on several portraits of some members of this dynasty has revealed new data on the relationship between consanguinity practiced by its members for more than 200 years and the appearance of certain facial deformities such as mandibular prognathism or maxillary deficiency. Carlos