White: purity and innocence
Blue: vigilance, perseverance, and justice
White: purity and innocence
Blue: vigilance, perseverance, and justice
The drugs of the sertão bring together the different types of spices (plants, roots, seeds, fruits, medicinal herbs, etc.) that were commercialized in Colonial Brazil (northeastern sertão) from the 16th and 17th centuries. Some scholars refer to this moment as the “Sertão Drug Cycle”. These produc
The Sete Povos das Missões region resulted from the Spanish governments strategy for the colonization of the Rio de la Plata region, in Spanish America. Location The regions were formed by São Francisco Borja, founded in 1682, São Nicolau (1687) and São Luiz Gonzaga (1687). They were also integrate
He had carried out a remarkable action by breaking the blockade, by facing combat without detriment to the landing operations of his cargo and, above all, by successfully carrying out the second break of the blockade, says the historian Jorge Basadre. On March 17, 1880, the corvette Union, a Peruv
Júlio Prestes was one of the elected presidents of Brazil by popular vote in the period of the Old Republic (1889-1930), after the government of Washington Luís. However, he was prevented from holding the position, due to the 1930 coup, led by politician Getúlio Vargas. He also excelled in literatu