Today in this article we are going to give you important information about the Gupta Empire which is as follows.

Chandragupta was the first important ruler of the Gupta Empire or Gupta dynasty, but before this, mention is made of Shrigupta (240 – 285 AD) and Ghatotkacha (280-320 AD) as rulers.
Chandragupta I (319-350 AD)
Chandragupta I started the Gupta era in 320 AD. He assumed the title of Maharajadhiraj. Chandragupta I married the Lichchavi princess Kumar Devi to fulfill his political objectives, which was an important event of that time.
Samudra Gupta
Samudra Gupta (350-375 AD) was the son of Chandragupta I. Due to various campaigns historian V.A. Smith called him the Napoleon of India. The sources of information about Samudragupta's conquests are the administered or Allahabad Pillar inscriptions composed by its court poet Harishena. With the permission of Samudragupta, the king of Sinhala (Sri Lanka), Govardhan established a Buddhist monastery at Bodh Gaya. On the coins of Samudragupta, he is shown playing the Veena.
The Gupta dynasty and the Pushyabhuti dynasty
Chandragupta II
Chandragupta II (375 – 415 AD) The Gupta period is called the golden age of literature and art. Chandragupta II assumed the title of Vikramaditya and issued silver coins. The Chinese traveler Fahien (399 – 412 AD) came to India during the reign of Chandragupta II. There was a congregation of nine scholars in his court, which was called Navratna. Kalidas Amar Singh etc. were included in this Navratna.
Kumragupta I
Nalanda University was established during the time of Kumaragupta I (415 – 455 AD).
Skandagupta (455 – 467 AD) was the last great ruler of the Gupta dynasty. He thwarted the invasion of the Huns. Skanda Gupta also got the entire Sudarshan lake built by Chandragupta Maurya rebuilt. The smallest unit of the Gupta administration was the village, whose administration was in the hands of the warriors. Peths were formed by joining many villages.
The construction of temples in India started from the Gupta period. The Dashavatar temple of Devgarh is the most outstanding temple of the Gupta period. The caves of Ajanta and Bagh are prominent among the Buddhist cave temples of the Gupta period. The official or official language of the Gupta rulers was Sanskrit. Bhag and Bhog were revenue tax in Gupta period, glass part was on top, while Bhog was given in the form of vegetables and fruits.