Here are some of the specific events that led up to the Stamp Act:
* In 1763, the British government issued the Proclamation of 1763, which created a new colonial boundary line along the Appalachian Mountains. This line prevented the colonists from settling in the Ohio River Valley, which had been a popular area for settlement. The Proclamation also angered many Native American tribes, who saw it as a violation of their land rights.
* In 1764, the British government passed the Sugar Act, which imposed a tax on sugar and other imported goods. This tax was also very unpopular in the colonies, and it sparked protests and riots.
* In 1765, the British Parliament passed the Stamp Act, which was the final straw for the colonists. This tax was seen as a direct violation of the colonists' rights as British subjects, and it sparked a wave of protests and riots.
The Stamp Act was repealed in 1766, but the damage had already been done. The Stamp Act had shown the colonists that the British Parliament was willing to tax them without their consent, and it helped to fuel the growing movement for independence in America.