History of South America

Why would the cessation of slave trade make such an impact on those slaving nations and colonies in Americas?

Economic repercussions:

- The sudden loss of a cheap and abundant labor source caused economic disruption in plantation - based economies

Labor shortages :

- Plantations heavily relies on slave labor , and finding a suitable and efficient replacements proved challenging and costly

**Social unrest


- Enslaved peoples, encouraged by the prospect of freedom ,began demanding better conditions or

resorting to resistance and revolts, exacerbating social tensions,


Political instability.

-> Enslaved people gained legal rights and citizenship following emancipation, shifting the plantation owner's political dominance.

Changing attitudes about slaver;' The abolitionist movements's sucess changed public perception of slaver.

International pressure

- Other nations with a more enlightened views on slaver exerted pressures and influence to end this practice making it politically unsustainable.