* Settle west of the Appalachian Mountains.
* Pay for their own defense.
* Give up any lands they had recently acquired from Native Americans.
* Trade only with Great Britain.
* Pay taxes on certain goods.
* Settle west of the Appalachian Mountains.
* Pay for their own defense.
* Give up any lands they had recently acquired from Native Americans.
* Trade only with Great Britain.
* Pay taxes on certain goods.
Thegold cycle it is the time when the extraction and export of gold figured as the main economic activity in the colonial period. It began at the end of the 17th century, when sugar exports from the Northeast were falling due to the competition exerted by the English and Dutch sugar production in t
Emilio Garrastazu Medici he was the 28th president of the Republic of Brazil and governed the country between October 30, 1969 and March 15, 1974. The Medici government went down in history as one of the most repressive of the military regime and was called the Years of Lead. His term was marked
The indigenous culture encompasses the material and immaterial production of countless different peoples throughout Brazil. It is important to point out that there is not one indigenous culture, but several, and each people has developed its own religious, musical, festival and handicraft tradition
Rodrigues Alves was a Brazilian politician, 5th President of the Republic of Brazil (3rd civil president), who ruled the country from 1902 to 1906, in the period called “Old Republic” (1889-1930) after the mandate of Campos Sales. A farmer from São Paulo, Alves represented an important figure, supp