The filmmaker and writer Pilar Roca Palacio published her work Terror in the Andes last year, through the publishing fund of the University of Sciences and Humanities (UCH) and had a great impact on the Peruvian book scene. The book, which narrates the atrocities committed by the Spanish armies at the time of the rebellion of Túpac Amaru , reappears this year in its second edition, this time under the auspices of the Editorial Fund of Spill Magisterial, as part of our policy of dissemination and contributions to historical research. Roca is a very diligent compiler, as can be inferred by observing in her pages the lists of Peruvian men and women who received harsh punishment and torture from the conquerors, as well as the detailed list of documents and sources that she had to review to carry out your research.
In pursuit of forming a national conscience in the Peruvian teacher, Spill Magisterial publishes the book Terror in the Andes , which recounts the violence experienced in colonial Peru, a story often told in a biased and inaccurate manner. The author of this historical essay is the producer-researcher Pilar Roca Palacio, who has compiled information gathered in the Tupacamarist era by more than 20 historians.
The time and place where the facts of these abuses by the Spanish took place were the viceroyalties of Peru (Cusco, Callao and Huarochirí) and the Río de la Plata (Puno and Upper Peru, now Bolivia) between 1781 and 1783.
The book recounts the different forms of violence that Spain used to maintain power and dominance over its colonies, it was thus that it prohibited the reading of the writings of the Inca Garcilaso, the dresses, plays, music, instruments and paintings that will remember our past. The quipus were seized on the grounds that through them secret information was being kept against the viceroyalty.
But physical violence was the most atrocious, as instruments of torture were created, people who were still alive were dismembered and mutilated, children were taken as prisoners, in many cases just for bear the surname Túpac Amaru .
Roca does not ignore the courageous participation of the Tupacamarista woman of the time, and dedicates several pages of her work to recounting the struggle and sacrifice they had to face to end the abuse of our conquerors.
Likewise, the book has 21 annexes detailing data spilled throughout the publication. In these annexes there is an extensive list of people who suffered repression accused of being Tupacamaristas (relatives, collaborators and supporters).
Roca is the author of Pachakuteq:An approach to the Andean cosmovision (2004) , in which she addresses topics such as philosophy and ethics, social organization, science, art and technology in the Andean world. She published this book together with her husband, fellow filmmaker Federico García Hurtado.
The book Terror in the Andes by Pilar Roca is on sale at our Pedagogical Bookstore, Av. Gregorio Escobedo 598, Jesús María.