History of South America


For the construction of buildings, they used thousands of peasants who elaborated the tributary adobes. Human strength was vital to prepare and move thousands of odontoform bricks of various sizes. They built multi-story truncated pyramids with ramps and stairways leading to an upper platform. Some of its huacas or sanctuaries were beautifully adorned with mural paintings and had large rooms and passageways inside (some archaeologists maintain that they were capital cities, such as the archaeological complex of Galindo and Pampa Grande). The dacha de la Luna, in the Moche valley, must have been the capital in the heyday of this city, before the wars with the Wari, with lavish buildings in its center, where the priests - astronomers lived, while the fishermen and peasants They lived in precarious dwellings, made of quincha and reed, on the outskirts of the dacha or in the upper parts of the valley. In the valleys of the department of Ancash, the Moche State came to exercise strong control of the land; the evidence is the Pañamarca pyramid, which, like other huacas, is adorned with murals, today covered to prevent further deterioration. Its main architectural remains are found in the department of La Libertad:the Huaca del Sol and the Huaca de la Luna. In the department of Lambayeque is the Huaca Rajada, in which in 1987, Walter Alva discovered the tomb of the Lord of Sipán. Other important constructions are the Huaca Pañamarca, Pampa Grande, Galindo, Pacatnamu, the El Brujo Complex, etc.
We have the most representative sites of this monumental architecture in :
  • Pañamarca (Nepeña Valley - Ancash).
  • Cholope Fortress (Santa Valley - Ancash).
  • Huaca del Sol (20 m tall) and The Moon (48 m high, power center), Galindo, Huaca "Florencia de Mora" (Moche Valley).
  • Huaca Mocollope, Huaca Cortada, Huaca Cao, Huaca Blanca, Huaca Cartavio, Huaca Amarilla or Mochón, Pacatnamú (Chicama Valley).
  • Huaca Rajada - Sipán, Pampa Grande (Lambayeque).
  • Archaeological Complex San José de Moro y el brujo (Vallede Jequetepeque), etc.

THE LORD OF SIPAN It was February 1987 when Dr. Walter Alva , the archaeologist LuisChero , and his team decided to dig in the zone of Sipán, north of Peru ,in the region of Lambayeque. Shortly after the excavations began, the findings were really surprising because they found in a tomb the skeleton of a warrior with his feet cut off. In the times to which that warrior belonged, that was the symbol of perpetual vigilance, so it seemed that something else must have been hidden and that it would surely be what that warrior was watching. Just below that warrior, a few meters deeper, was what should forever remain hidden:an underground chamber of 25 square meters .When the sealing beams were removed the camera , the surprise was capital letter. Surely one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of the 20th century. The story of ancient Peru shown in the eyes of Dr. Walter Alva. It was the month of July of that same year, 1987. It was a perfect set, surprisingly symmetrical, and of incalculable riches. In its center stood out the little figure of a man covered in jewels, among which a disc of 92 millimeters stood out in diameter made of turquoise, coral and lapis lazuli and surrounded by spheres of pure gold. The clothing of man also wore turquoise and a gold crown. The hollows of his eyes had been filled with two replicas of his eyes in gold. His chin was protected by a mask, also in gold, and the nose by a nose ring of the same precious metal. The chest had eleven pectorals with colored shells, turquoise bracelets, a gold ingot in his right hand (the Sun) and a silver one in the left (the Moon ). Beside him a scepter topped with a gold pyramid, and finally a necklace with 71 gold spheres. But the greatest treasure found was a 62 cm diadem. wide and 42 tall, of course, made of gold. But the Lord of Sipán he was not alone. Next to him were found the skeletons of two soldiers, also covered in gold and turquoise, who were in charge of protecting him in eternal life. Also, there were two women who were probably his wives, another woman and a child, and a dog. Hundreds of objects with precious stones, metals such as gold and silver, and valuable ceramics appeared throughout the burial. But even so, the great wealth of this discovery was not its treasures, but to discover its history, its past, and learn first-hand about the authentic past of Northern Peru, its roots and culture, the night one or Mochica to whom the Lord of Sipán belonged . Just below that warrior, a few meters deeper, was what should remain eternally hidden:an underground chamber of 25 square meters .When the sealing beams were removed the camera , the surprise was capital letter. Surely one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of the 20th century. The story of ancient Peru shown in the eyes of Dr. Walter Alva. It was the month of July of that same year, 1987. It was a perfect set, surprisingly symmetrical, and of incalculable riches. In its center stood out the small figure of a man covered in jewels, among which a disc of 92 millimeters stood out diameter made of turquoise, coral and lapiz lazuli and surrounded by pure gold spheres. The clothing of man also wore turquoise and a gold crown. The hollows of his eyes had been filled with two replicas of his eyes in gold. The chin was protected by a mask, also in gold, and the nose by a nose ring of the same precious metal. His chest had eleven pectorals with colored shells, turquoise bracelets, a gold ingot in his right hand (the Sun) and a silver one in the left (the Moon ). Beside him a scepter topped in a gold pyramid, and finally a necklace with 71 gold spheres. But the greatest treasure found was a 62 cm diadem. wide and 42 high, of course, gold. But the Lord of Sipán he was not alone. Beside him were found the skeletons of two soldiers, also covered in gold and turquoise, who were in charge of protecting him in ether life. Hundreds of objects with precious stones, metals such as gold and silver, and valuable ceramics appeared throughout the burial.

The Lord of Sipán The Lord of Sipán, Royal Tombs in Lambayeque (Peru). Tomb of the Lord of Sipán with his guardians (whose feet were cut off) IDEOLOGY AND ICONOGRAPHY The entire worldview of the Moche, their beliefs and their way of understanding the world, were reflected both in their ceramics and in their murals, in which they left us a vast iconography, with messages or ideas of their time. The Moche artists drew on the walls of their sanctuaries scenes of human sacrifices, punishments against prisoners. There are paintings that show warriors in the form of lima beans and others that show shields, spears and clubs with which they persecute human beings, expressing the need to carry out expansion wars by a militaristic State. The Moche painted lizards on the pottery, to represent the popular sector, peasants or fishermen; they drew foxes, felines with a human body that symbolized the strength of the rulers, that is, priests and soldiers, respectively. Recent studies make it clear that Mochica art did not capture all aspects of everyday life and that he drew only significant images and scenes referring to events, constant ceremonial themes and probably myths and stories that reflect his conception of the world. Una selección representativa nos aproxima a estefascinante mundo de imágenes gráficas.

Cerámica religiosa moche, donde la sacerdotisa le brinda asu señor la sangre de los prisioneros decapitados. Museo Arqueológico Rafael Larco Herrera Araña decapitadora:iconografía moche ROSTRO CON COLMILLOS ESCRITURA: Larco Hoyle afirmó que Moche tuvo un sistema de símbolos que contiene información, a manera de escritura y la llamó pallariforme. Se trata de dibujos en forma de pallar y líneas geométricas que encierran una comunicación especial, aún es estudiado para completar la explicación histórica.Estos objetos están pintados con diversos puntos, marcas, líneas geométricas, que podrían corresponder a un código de escritura.Para otros estudiosos los pallares pintados fueron objetos rituales, o quizás sirvieron para intercambios o fueron fichas de adivinación.
Los mochicas elaboraron objetos ornamentales, herramientas y armas. Los metales que trabajaron fue el oro, plata, cobre. Llegaron a obtener una aleación denominada tumbaga, que consistió en mezclar el cobre con el oro o la plata. También utilizaron piedras preciosas como la turquesa. Entre las técnicas para el trabajo del metal destacan:el laminado, martillado, repujado, alambrado, soldadura, etc. La tumba del Señor de Sipán es la muestra más representativa del trabajo de los metales de la cultura Mochica.
Confeccionaban una variedadde objetos de uso real, sacro y militar; también adornos para laélite y domésticos como collares, narigueras, orejeras, brazaletes, pinzas,sortijas, coronas, pectorales, platos, copas, cuencos; instrumentos agrícolas,quirúrgicos, cuchillos, máscaras funerarias, protectores y perfectosinstrumentos musicales como sonajas, pitos, quenas, tambores, etc. Cuchillo de oro Metalurgia mochica. Maíz
Orfebrería mochica. Nariguera con incrustaciones de turquesa.

Tuvieron una gran cantidad de divinidades, muchos de los cuales presentaban rasgos heredados de Chavín. Había divinidades del mar, de la agricultura y del mundo sobrenatural. Pero su principal divinidad fue Aia Paec, que significa “el Hacedor”. Fue representado en forma humana pero con colmillos de felino. Como adornos presenta un tocado semicircular, orejeras, narigueras, sonajeras y cuchillos atados a la cintura.Ofrendaban sacrificios humanos a sus divinidades mediante rituales y ceremonias especiales. Ello se sustenta en el hallazgo de la tumba de la sacerdotisa en San José de Moro y últimamente con el hallazgo de la Señora de Cao en el Complejo el Brujo. Se trata de una mujer rodeada de ofrendas y con la posesión de una gran copa donde se vertía la sangre de los seres humanos sacrificados. La vestimenta, los adornos y el tocado que presenta son semejantes a la sacerdotisa que aparece representada en los ceramios icnográficos mochicas dirigiendo la ceremonia de los sacrificios humanos. Los mochicas creyeron en el más allá. Sus tumbas fueron de diversa forma:sarcófagos, cajas de caña, tinajones de cerámica y cámaras con nichos. Los cadáveres los enterraban de manera horizontal, boca arriba mirando al cielo. Junto al cadáver colocaban ofrendas de cerámica, tejidos, mates, objetos de metal. Si el personaje era importante sacrificaban personas para que lo acompañen.

Según Larco Ai-Apaec es el dios principal por sus dioses castigadores El dios moche Ai apaec, representado en un muro de la huaca de la luna. Deidad Moche Visita realizada al Museo de Sitio "Huaca Rajada - Sipan"

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